Why Utusan Malaysia Not Been Suspended and The Writer Detain Under ISA?

From: Tanki <5191...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:26:19 -0800 (PST)
Local: Sun, Dec 13 2009 8:26 am
Subject: Why Utusan Malaysia Not Been Suspended and The Writer Detain Under ISA?

Posted by: vijaysvk1

India tetap India. Orang India ialah masyarakat yang begitu unik. Jika
kita sering tengok wayang Tamil atau Hindi, itulah budaya mereka.
Kecoh, kecoh dan kecoh.

"Namun, kita di Malaysia pun ada orang India. Kecohnya pun lebih
kurang sama. Mereka ini rata-ratanya terdiri daripada ahli-ahli
profesional, peguam dan kini menjadi ahli politik.

"Di Malaysia hanya orang India yang pandai-pandai sahaja yang sering
buat bising," artikel tersebut dipetik.

Dato Seri Najib is this what you mean by 1Malaysia and Your Own Party
Paper Propagating racism and you keep quiet about it...Anyway to the
Writer Zaini..We are Not Uneducated like you to say bad things about
our fellow Malay and Chinese brothers and sisters...We will wait and
see the action of the HOme Minister's action....Dato Seri Hishamudin
show us you are who you are.....

'If, say, an Indian or Chinese counterpart of 'Zaini Hassan' or 'Awang
Selamat' had insulted the Malay community in another paper, the 'fair-
minded' home minister would have no hesitation in shutting down the
paper.'(thank you :Malaysiakini)

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