This is a pretty rare sight. A toilet that allows one to leak but not to shit. I don't know but some ladies actually need to do both, either accidentally or due to faulty parts. Luckily they did not put there, "Fine RM500" for those who did not follow the instruction.
Toilet for the small business only
This is a pretty rare sight. A toilet that allows one to leak but not to shit. I don't know but some ladies actually need to do both, either accidentally or due to faulty parts. Luckily they did not put there, "Fine RM500" for those who did not follow the instruction.
Hisham: We'll arrest even Umno members
Posted by: FedUpCitizen
"The government will arrest and prosecute the culprits of the Metro Tabernacle church attack, even if they are Umno members, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein declared today."
Does it mean the Govt is selective at times?
Those who are responsible (inrespective of which party he/she belongs to) should be arrested for ANY crimes committed ..... not based on when you want to arrest or not.
"The government will arrest and prosecute the culprits of the Metro Tabernacle church attack, even if they are Umno members, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein declared today."
Does it mean the Govt is selective at times?
Those who are responsible (inrespective of which party he/she belongs to) should be arrested for ANY crimes committed ..... not based on when you want to arrest or not.
Racial Discrimination - Why have MCA MIC Gerakan and all component parties of BN kept quiet?
From: "jeffry samsuddin"
Subject: Re: Why have MCA, MIC, Gerakan and all component parties of BN kept quiet?
It is good to know that all these people have learnt to keep quiet. They
know what is good for them. They have much to gain by keeping quiet.
"kerry lee" wrote in message
> Discrimination of Non-Malays in Malaysia Plain racists as PAS said . . ..
> This list is a common knowledge to a lot of
> Malaysians, especially those non-Malays (Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang
> Asli, Tamils, etc.) who have been racially discriminated against.
> Figures in this list are merely estimates, so please
> take it as a guide only. The government of Malaysia has the most correct
> figures. Is government of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist
> acts by publishing racial statistics?
> This list covers a period of about 48 years since
> independence (1957).
> List of racial discriminations (Malaysia):
> (1) Of the five major banks, only one is
> multi-racial, the rest are controlled by Malays.
> (2) 99% of Petronas directors are Malays.
> (3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese.
> (4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned
> by Malays..
> (5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas
> projects must be of Bumis stat us.
> (6) 0% of non-Malay staff are legally required in
> Malay companies. But there must be 30% Malay staffs in Chinese companies.
> (7) 5% of all new intake for government police,
> nurses, army, are non-Malays.
> (8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal
> Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), a drop from 40% in 1960.
> (9) 2% is the percentage of non-Malay government
> servants in Putrajaya, but Malays make up 98%.
> (10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government
> servants in the entire government (in 2004); a drop from 30% in 1960.
> (11) 95% of government contracts are given to Malays.
> (12) 100% all business licensees are controlled by
> Malay government, e..g. Taxi permits, Approved permits, etc.
> (13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to
> be sold to Malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is made
> difficult for Chinese rice millers.
> (14) 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by
> Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by
> Malays since 1970s, e.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, Southern Bank etc..
> (15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies
> (throughout Malaysia in the past 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other
> Malay transport companies due to rejection by Malay authorities to Chinese
> applications for bus routes and rejection for their applications for new
> buses..
> (16) Two Chinese taxi drivers were barred from
> driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and
> three were Chinese in Oct. 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the
> reason given.
> (17) 0 non-Malays are allowed to get shop lots in the
> new Muar bus station (Nov.. 2004).
> (18) 8000 billion ringgit is the total amount the
> government channeled to Malay pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA,
> privatization of government agencies, Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over a
> 34 years period..
> (19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down from
> 1968 - 2000.
> (20) 144 Indian primary schools closed down from
> 1968 - 2000.
> (21) 2637 Malay primary schools built from 1968 -
> 2000.
> (22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary
> schools. Indian schools got only 1%, Malay schools got 96.5%.
> (23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary
> (monthly) cannot get school textbook loan, a Malay parent with RM2000
> salary is eligible.
> (24) All 10 public university vice chancellors are
> Malays.
> (25) 5% of the government universities' lecturers are
> of non-Malay origins. This percentage has been reduced from about 70% in
> 1965 to only 5% in 2004.
> (26) Only 5% has been given to non-Malays for
> government scholarships in over 40 years.
> (27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and
> Korea under the 'Look East Policy.'
> (28) 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into
> the course to which they aspired, i.e. Medicine (in 2004).
> (29) 10% quotas are in place for non-Bumi students
> for MARA science schools beginning in 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before
> that it was 100% Malays.
> (30) 50 cases in which Chinese and India n Malaysians
> are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003.
> (31) 25% of the Malaysian population was Chinese in
> 2004, a drop from 45% in 1957.
> (32) 7% of the Malaysian population is Indian (2004),
> a drop from 12% in 1957.
> (33) 2 million Chinese Malaysians have emigrated in
> the past 40 years.
> (34) 0.5 million Indian Malaysians have emigrated
> overseas.
> (35) 3 millions Indonesians have migrated to Malaysia
> and become Malaysian citizens with Bumis status.
> (36) 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red
> IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship in the past 40
> years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age This
> shows racism, based on how easily Indonesians got their citizenships
> compared with the Chinese and Indians.
> (37) 5% - 15% discount for a Malay to buy a house,
> regardless whether the Malay is rich or poor.
> (38) 2% is what new Chinese villages get, compared
> with 98% - what Malay villages got for rural development b udget.
> (41) 0 temples/churches were built for each housing
> estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built.
> (42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing
> estates throughout Malaysia since 1970. No temples or churches are
> required to be built in housing estates.
> (43) 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to
> apply to have a building constructed. But they were told by Malay
> authority that it must look like a factory and not like a church. As of
> 2004 the application still have not been approved.
> (44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned
> (in 2002).
> (45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2,
> TV3) are directors of non-Malay origin.
> (46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films
> always showed that the bad guys had Chinese faces, and the good guys had
> Malay faces. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this has
> become less of a tendency.
> (47) 10 times, at least, Malays (especially Umno) had
> threatened to massacre t he Chinese Malaysians using May 13, since 1969.
> (48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds
> from the government to develop. These Chinese majority constituencies
> would be the last to be developed.
> (49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had
> been racially re-delineated so Chinese votes were diluted for Chinese
> candidates. This is one of the main reasons why DAP candidates have
> consistently lost in elections since the 1970s. (update to 2008 needed)
> (50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified
> by the Malaysian government since 1960.
> (51) 0 - elimination of all forms of racial
> discrimination (UN Human Rights) has not been ratified by Malaysian
> government since 1960s.
> (52) 20 reported cases whereby Malay ambulance
> attendances treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and Malay government
> hospital staffs purposely delayed attending to Chinese patients in 2003.
> Unreported cases may be 200.
> (54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who
> accident ally knocked down Malays were seriously assaulted or killed by
> Malays.
> (55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks
> fixed deposits are only about 3.5% per annum.
> There are hundreds more examples of racial
> discrimination in Malaysia to add to this list of 'colossal' racism. It is
> hoped that the victims of racism will write in to help expose this
> situation.
> The Malaysian government should publish statistics
> showing how much Malays had benefited from the 'special rights' of Malays
> and at the same time release the statistics which show how minority races
> are being discriminated against.
> Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysia
> government itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial
> discrimination.
> If the Malaysia government hides the statistics
> above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, shameful
> doings and sinful doings, like the Nazis, going on with the non-Malays of
> Malaysia.
> Civilized nations, unlike the evil Nazis, must
> publish s tatistics to show its treatment of its minority races. This is
> what Malaysia must publish.
> We are asking for the publication of the statistics
> showing how 'implementation of special rights of Malays' had inflicted
> colossal racial discrimination onto non-Malays.
Subject: Re: Why have MCA, MIC, Gerakan and all component parties of BN kept quiet?
It is good to know that all these people have learnt to keep quiet. They
know what is good for them. They have much to gain by keeping quiet.
"kerry lee" wrote in message
> Discrimination of Non-Malays in Malaysia Plain racists as PAS said . . ..
> This list is a common knowledge to a lot of
> Malaysians, especially those non-Malays (Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang
> Asli, Tamils, etc.) who have been racially discriminated against.
> Figures in this list are merely estimates, so please
> take it as a guide only. The government of Malaysia has the most correct
> figures. Is government of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist
> acts by publishing racial statistics?
> This list covers a period of about 48 years since
> independence (1957).
> List of racial discriminations (Malaysia):
> (1) Of the five major banks, only one is
> multi-racial, the rest are controlled by Malays.
> (2) 99% of Petronas directors are Malays.
> (3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese.
> (4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned
> by Malays..
> (5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas
> projects must be of Bumis stat us.
> (6) 0% of non-Malay staff are legally required in
> Malay companies. But there must be 30% Malay staffs in Chinese companies.
> (7) 5% of all new intake for government police,
> nurses, army, are non-Malays.
> (8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal
> Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), a drop from 40% in 1960.
> (9) 2% is the percentage of non-Malay government
> servants in Putrajaya, but Malays make up 98%.
> (10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government
> servants in the entire government (in 2004); a drop from 30% in 1960.
> (11) 95% of government contracts are given to Malays.
> (12) 100% all business licensees are controlled by
> Malay government, e..g. Taxi permits, Approved permits, etc.
> (13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to
> be sold to Malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is made
> difficult for Chinese rice millers.
> (14) 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by
> Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by
> Malays since 1970s, e.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, Southern Bank etc..
> (15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies
> (throughout Malaysia in the past 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other
> Malay transport companies due to rejection by Malay authorities to Chinese
> applications for bus routes and rejection for their applications for new
> buses..
> (16) Two Chinese taxi drivers were barred from
> driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and
> three were Chinese in Oct. 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the
> reason given.
> (17) 0 non-Malays are allowed to get shop lots in the
> new Muar bus station (Nov.. 2004).
> (18) 8000 billion ringgit is the total amount the
> government channeled to Malay pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA,
> privatization of government agencies, Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over a
> 34 years period..
> (19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down from
> 1968 - 2000.
> (20) 144 Indian primary schools closed down from
> 1968 - 2000.
> (21) 2637 Malay primary schools built from 1968 -
> 2000.
> (22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary
> schools. Indian schools got only 1%, Malay schools got 96.5%.
> (23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary
> (monthly) cannot get school textbook loan, a Malay parent with RM2000
> salary is eligible.
> (24) All 10 public university vice chancellors are
> Malays.
> (25) 5% of the government universities' lecturers are
> of non-Malay origins. This percentage has been reduced from about 70% in
> 1965 to only 5% in 2004.
> (26) Only 5% has been given to non-Malays for
> government scholarships in over 40 years.
> (27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and
> Korea under the 'Look East Policy.'
> (28) 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into
> the course to which they aspired, i.e. Medicine (in 2004).
> (29) 10% quotas are in place for non-Bumi students
> for MARA science schools beginning in 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before
> that it was 100% Malays.
> (30) 50 cases in which Chinese and India n Malaysians
> are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003.
> (31) 25% of the Malaysian population was Chinese in
> 2004, a drop from 45% in 1957.
> (32) 7% of the Malaysian population is Indian (2004),
> a drop from 12% in 1957.
> (33) 2 million Chinese Malaysians have emigrated in
> the past 40 years.
> (34) 0.5 million Indian Malaysians have emigrated
> overseas.
> (35) 3 millions Indonesians have migrated to Malaysia
> and become Malaysian citizens with Bumis status.
> (36) 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red
> IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship in the past 40
> years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age This
> shows racism, based on how easily Indonesians got their citizenships
> compared with the Chinese and Indians.
> (37) 5% - 15% discount for a Malay to buy a house,
> regardless whether the Malay is rich or poor.
> (38) 2% is what new Chinese villages get, compared
> with 98% - what Malay villages got for rural development b udget.
> (41) 0 temples/churches were built for each housing
> estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built.
> (42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing
> estates throughout Malaysia since 1970. No temples or churches are
> required to be built in housing estates.
> (43) 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to
> apply to have a building constructed. But they were told by Malay
> authority that it must look like a factory and not like a church. As of
> 2004 the application still have not been approved.
> (44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned
> (in 2002).
> (45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2,
> TV3) are directors of non-Malay origin.
> (46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films
> always showed that the bad guys had Chinese faces, and the good guys had
> Malay faces. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this has
> become less of a tendency.
> (47) 10 times, at least, Malays (especially Umno) had
> threatened to massacre t he Chinese Malaysians using May 13, since 1969.
> (48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds
> from the government to develop. These Chinese majority constituencies
> would be the last to be developed.
> (49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had
> been racially re-delineated so Chinese votes were diluted for Chinese
> candidates. This is one of the main reasons why DAP candidates have
> consistently lost in elections since the 1970s. (update to 2008 needed)
> (50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified
> by the Malaysian government since 1960.
> (51) 0 - elimination of all forms of racial
> discrimination (UN Human Rights) has not been ratified by Malaysian
> government since 1960s.
> (52) 20 reported cases whereby Malay ambulance
> attendances treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and Malay government
> hospital staffs purposely delayed attending to Chinese patients in 2003.
> Unreported cases may be 200.
> (54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who
> accident ally knocked down Malays were seriously assaulted or killed by
> Malays.
> (55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks
> fixed deposits are only about 3.5% per annum.
> There are hundreds more examples of racial
> discrimination in Malaysia to add to this list of 'colossal' racism. It is
> hoped that the victims of racism will write in to help expose this
> situation.
> The Malaysian government should publish statistics
> showing how much Malays had benefited from the 'special rights' of Malays
> and at the same time release the statistics which show how minority races
> are being discriminated against.
> Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysia
> government itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial
> discrimination.
> If the Malaysia government hides the statistics
> above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, shameful
> doings and sinful doings, like the Nazis, going on with the non-Malays of
> Malaysia.
> Civilized nations, unlike the evil Nazis, must
> publish s tatistics to show its treatment of its minority races. This is
> what Malaysia must publish.
> We are asking for the publication of the statistics
> showing how 'implementation of special rights of Malays' had inflicted
> colossal racial discrimination onto non-Malays.
10 terrorists arrested in Malaysia
From: Tanki
Subject: 10 terrorists arrested in Malaysia
AbdulMutallab: Malaysia arrests two Nigerians
Malaysian authorities have arrested 10 terror suspects, including two
Nigerians, with alleged ties to Umar AbdulMutallab, the Nigerian at
the centre of the Christmas Day attempt to bomb a United States
The development is coming on the heels of the US State Department’s
denial that it had revoked AbdulMutallab’s visa.
Malaysia‘s Home Minister, Mr. Hishammuddin Hussein, who announced the
arrests Wednesday, said they were mainly foreigners linked to a global
terrorist network.
According to The Detroit News, quoting a state-linked New Straits
Times newspaper, those arrested included two men from Nigeria, four
from Syria, and one each from Yemen and Jordan, said Mr. Syed Noh,
head of a rights group that aids people detained under Malaysia‘s
Internal Security Act, which allows indefinite detention without
They were among 50 people arrested while attending a religious talk by
a Syrian university lecturer on January 21 at a home near Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia‘s largest city, Noh said. The others, according to
the newspaper, were later released.
The report said foreign anti-terrorism agencies told authorities that
the suspects were in Malaysia and were linked to the 23-year-old
Nigerian accused of trying to detonate a bomb hidden in his underwear
during a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day.
But the report, according to The Detroit News, did not say how it
obtained the information or how they were linked, even as the Home
Minister refused to elaborate on why the suspects were detained, but
said they posed a “serious threat” to security.
The suspects include students at a Malaysian university, Syed Ibrahim
said. He urged the government to charge them to court or release them.
Over the past decade, Malaysian authorities have held more than 100
militant suspects, mainly alleged members of an Al-Qaeda-linked
network that has been blamed for attacks including the 2002 bombing on
Bali, Indonesia, that killed 202 people.
A top State Department official said on Wednesday that AbdulMutallab’s
visa was not revoked in order to protect a larger investigation.
The Under secretary for Management at the State Department, Mr.
Patrick Kennedy, said AbdulMutallab’s visa was not taken away at the
request of federal counterterrorism officials following concerns that
doing so would have foiled an investigation into Al-Qaeda threats
against the US.
Reuters had reported earlier in January that the State Department had
revoked AbdulMutallab’s visa.
The news agency had quoted State Department’s spokesman Mr. P.J.
Crowley, as saying that AbdulMutallab was stripped of his visa after
the attempted attack, as were an unspecified number of others
suspected of links to terrorism.
But The Detroit News on Wednesday quoted Kennedy in a testimony before
the House Committee on Homeland Security as saying, “Revocation action
would‘ve disclosed what they were doing. Allowing AbdulMutallab to
keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to
get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working
with, rather than simply knocking out one soldier in that effort.”
When asked about why the State Department wouldn‘t revoke the visa
despite indications he was involved in a terror plot, Kennedy
reiterated his assertion that intelligence agencies sometimes request
visas not be revoked “for the purpose of rolling up an entire network,
not just one person.”
The denial came during a hearing on Capitol Hill into the events
surrounding the Christmas Day flight from Amsterdam.
Washington politicians have focused criticism on two key areas: the
intelligence community breakdown that led to AbdulMutallab being able
to board the plane, and the handling of the suspected terrorist after
his apprehension.
Subject: 10 terrorists arrested in Malaysia
AbdulMutallab: Malaysia arrests two Nigerians
Malaysian authorities have arrested 10 terror suspects, including two
Nigerians, with alleged ties to Umar AbdulMutallab, the Nigerian at
the centre of the Christmas Day attempt to bomb a United States
The development is coming on the heels of the US State Department’s
denial that it had revoked AbdulMutallab’s visa.
Malaysia‘s Home Minister, Mr. Hishammuddin Hussein, who announced the
arrests Wednesday, said they were mainly foreigners linked to a global
terrorist network.
According to The Detroit News, quoting a state-linked New Straits
Times newspaper, those arrested included two men from Nigeria, four
from Syria, and one each from Yemen and Jordan, said Mr. Syed Noh,
head of a rights group that aids people detained under Malaysia‘s
Internal Security Act, which allows indefinite detention without
They were among 50 people arrested while attending a religious talk by
a Syrian university lecturer on January 21 at a home near Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia‘s largest city, Noh said. The others, according to
the newspaper, were later released.
The report said foreign anti-terrorism agencies told authorities that
the suspects were in Malaysia and were linked to the 23-year-old
Nigerian accused of trying to detonate a bomb hidden in his underwear
during a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day.
But the report, according to The Detroit News, did not say how it
obtained the information or how they were linked, even as the Home
Minister refused to elaborate on why the suspects were detained, but
said they posed a “serious threat” to security.
The suspects include students at a Malaysian university, Syed Ibrahim
said. He urged the government to charge them to court or release them.
Over the past decade, Malaysian authorities have held more than 100
militant suspects, mainly alleged members of an Al-Qaeda-linked
network that has been blamed for attacks including the 2002 bombing on
Bali, Indonesia, that killed 202 people.
A top State Department official said on Wednesday that AbdulMutallab’s
visa was not revoked in order to protect a larger investigation.
The Under secretary for Management at the State Department, Mr.
Patrick Kennedy, said AbdulMutallab’s visa was not taken away at the
request of federal counterterrorism officials following concerns that
doing so would have foiled an investigation into Al-Qaeda threats
against the US.
Reuters had reported earlier in January that the State Department had
revoked AbdulMutallab’s visa.
The news agency had quoted State Department’s spokesman Mr. P.J.
Crowley, as saying that AbdulMutallab was stripped of his visa after
the attempted attack, as were an unspecified number of others
suspected of links to terrorism.
But The Detroit News on Wednesday quoted Kennedy in a testimony before
the House Committee on Homeland Security as saying, “Revocation action
would‘ve disclosed what they were doing. Allowing AbdulMutallab to
keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to
get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working
with, rather than simply knocking out one soldier in that effort.”
When asked about why the State Department wouldn‘t revoke the visa
despite indications he was involved in a terror plot, Kennedy
reiterated his assertion that intelligence agencies sometimes request
visas not be revoked “for the purpose of rolling up an entire network,
not just one person.”
The denial came during a hearing on Capitol Hill into the events
surrounding the Christmas Day flight from Amsterdam.
Washington politicians have focused criticism on two key areas: the
intelligence community breakdown that led to AbdulMutallab being able
to board the plane, and the handling of the suspected terrorist after
his apprehension.
Syrian Terrorist Arrested in Malaysia
From: Tanki
Subject: Syrian Terrorist Arrested in Malaysia
Embassy Confirms Syrian Citizens Arrested In Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Jan (Bernama) -- The Syrian Embassy here confirmed
the arrest of Syrian citizens by the Malaysian authorities.
The embassy said in a statement on Friday that it had been informed of
the arrest of Syrian suspects and was expecting more details.
"The embassy hopes the issue of the arrested Syrian suspects would be
handled within the suitable legal process.
"The embassy reassures its concern and care for the security of
friendly Malaysia and reasserts its co-operation with the related
authorities here in all that guarantees Malaysia's security and
stability," it added.
Malaysian authorities arrested 10 people recently, nine of them
foreigners with alleged links to international terrorist network,
under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
The authorities remained tight-lipped over the nationalities of those
arrested but activists and reports claimed that the suspects were from
Jordan, Nigeria, Syria and Yemen.
Subject: Syrian Terrorist Arrested in Malaysia
Embassy Confirms Syrian Citizens Arrested In Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Jan (Bernama) -- The Syrian Embassy here confirmed
the arrest of Syrian citizens by the Malaysian authorities.
The embassy said in a statement on Friday that it had been informed of
the arrest of Syrian suspects and was expecting more details.
"The embassy hopes the issue of the arrested Syrian suspects would be
handled within the suitable legal process.
"The embassy reassures its concern and care for the security of
friendly Malaysia and reasserts its co-operation with the related
authorities here in all that guarantees Malaysia's security and
stability," it added.
Malaysian authorities arrested 10 people recently, nine of them
foreigners with alleged links to international terrorist network,
under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
The authorities remained tight-lipped over the nationalities of those
arrested but activists and reports claimed that the suspects were from
Jordan, Nigeria, Syria and Yemen.
A slow crawl along NS Highway
Posted by: victorchew46
Tomorrow is Thaipusam! I always enjoyed seeing the 'kavadis' and devotees pierced and spiked, tolling down the road from home to temple or from temple to temple and also the procession of the chariots at night. What a colourful sight. However, with age, one cannot participate in such activities and I have long ceased standing on the roadside watching them go by.
The only time I went out to the roadside again was when I took a few foreign students to see this sight a few years ago.
The wealth each ethnic group contributes to Malaysia is reflected in such occassions, albeit, a religious affair sometimes, yet others of other religions can still participate as appreciative viewers!
Can you imagine if we have bigots from each racial groups out to condemn each other's religious and cultural functions as 'unacceptable' just because of our own religious inclinations, the state we would be in by today? There will be lots of religious 'wars'! The fact that none of these 'wars' really occurred shows how tolerant we the majority of Malaysians are but sad to say, there are a growing number of such bigots going around doing things that should not be done just to show that they are superior to others and their reiligions!
When we link religion to politics or nationalism, where then can we accept freedom of religion to others? Politics cuts across everyone in a nation and by liniing politics to a religion are we not trying to dictate our ways of our religion on others in the way we rule a nation. (For example the Talibans, the Catholics of North Ireland on one side and the Protestants of the same place on the other side; the Jews of Israel and the Islamic Jihad on the other extreme in Palestine.)
Politics should be secular, but I would allow politicians to be religous by following their religous principles to run for office and rule. The unique nature of Malaysia makes it imperative that we keep the two apart - religion and politics!
People with strong religious principles seldom oppress or condmen others! This has been proven in the recent events in Malaysia! It is only the weak minded and the less learned in their religious teachings that resort to violence and foolish condemnation of others!
Lets celebrate Thaipusam as Malaysians tomorrow and wish our Hindu brothers a wonderful socio-cultural and religious celebration!
God bless the Rakyat of Malaysia.
Posted by: victorchew46
Tomorrow is Thaipusam! I always enjoyed seeing the 'kavadis' and devotees pierced and spiked, tolling down the road from home to temple or from temple to temple and also the procession of the chariots at night. What a colourful sight. However, with age, one cannot participate in such activities and I have long ceased standing on the roadside watching them go by.
The only time I went out to the roadside again was when I took a few foreign students to see this sight a few years ago.
The wealth each ethnic group contributes to Malaysia is reflected in such occassions, albeit, a religious affair sometimes, yet others of other religions can still participate as appreciative viewers!
Can you imagine if we have bigots from each racial groups out to condemn each other's religious and cultural functions as 'unacceptable' just because of our own religious inclinations, the state we would be in by today? There will be lots of religious 'wars'! The fact that none of these 'wars' really occurred shows how tolerant we the majority of Malaysians are but sad to say, there are a growing number of such bigots going around doing things that should not be done just to show that they are superior to others and their reiligions!
When we link religion to politics or nationalism, where then can we accept freedom of religion to others? Politics cuts across everyone in a nation and by liniing politics to a religion are we not trying to dictate our ways of our religion on others in the way we rule a nation. (For example the Talibans, the Catholics of North Ireland on one side and the Protestants of the same place on the other side; the Jews of Israel and the Islamic Jihad on the other extreme in Palestine.)
Politics should be secular, but I would allow politicians to be religous by following their religous principles to run for office and rule. The unique nature of Malaysia makes it imperative that we keep the two apart - religion and politics!
People with strong religious principles seldom oppress or condmen others! This has been proven in the recent events in Malaysia! It is only the weak minded and the less learned in their religious teachings that resort to violence and foolish condemnation of others!
Lets celebrate Thaipusam as Malaysians tomorrow and wish our Hindu brothers a wonderful socio-cultural and religious celebration!
God bless the Rakyat of Malaysia.
Malaysia is becoming a dangerous place to visit
Wakalukong posted:
What is it about the obsession of cutting heads by some religion ?
1. Cow head,
2. Sheep head,
3. Pig head,
4. Human head
And lets not forget the Molotov cocktail, stones throwing, etc, etc.
"baldeagle" wrote in message
> Three wild boar heads were found outside mosques in KL.
> This must be the work of those people who have a secret agenda to stir
> up racial tension in Malaysia.
> The Chinese have no trouble buying normal pig heads from the wet
> market...without all the trouble of buying expensive wild boar.
> Malay cannot buy normal pig head from a city market...If they did, it
> would draw unwanted attention to them.
> However, they could easily get the wild boar heads in Ulu Selangor
> where Muslims hunt wild boars for sales to exotic specialty
> restaurants in the city.
> To create racial unrest, dumping wild boar heads at their own
> mosques one of the most effect way. What will they do next !?
> Malaysia is now a dangerous place for Christian and Non-Muslim
> tourists. I have cancelled my trip to visits friends and relatives
> during the Chinese new year.
From: Wakalukong
Subject: Re: Pig heads found outside mosques KL.
On Jan 28, 9:36am, "kerry lee" wrote:
> There is doubt about it. There is an urgent need to create unrest so that
> Emergency Laws can be declared and the current government can continue to
> rule. Non Malays know that and all other religious bodies not Muslims know
> that. I do not think that the fracas on the mosques are created by non
> Muslims.
> Non Muslims are watching and waiting for the turmoil which will be raised by
> Muslims in everyone's fair view. Racialunrest is not going to benefit anyone
> especially malays. Another may 13 will be a different matter. Non Malays are
> not going to stay and be cowed. Politicians beware. It is either a country
> for all citizens of Malaysia or not at all for anyone.
Hishammuddin, the guy who habitually takes out his keris at UMNO's
annual general meetings to kiss, is Home Minister, who is in charge of
the Police. As Home Minister, he was also the guy who started all
this Allah dispute by banning East Malaysia's Christians from using
the word.
Instead of the heads of some unfortunate wild boars, Hishammuddin's
head should roll.
What is it about the obsession of cutting heads by some religion ?
1. Cow head,
2. Sheep head,
3. Pig head,
4. Human head
And lets not forget the Molotov cocktail, stones throwing, etc, etc.
> Three wild boar heads were found outside mosques in KL.
> This must be the work of those people who have a secret agenda to stir
> up racial tension in Malaysia.
> The Chinese have no trouble buying normal pig heads from the wet
> market...without all the trouble of buying expensive wild boar.
> Malay cannot buy normal pig head from a city market...If they did, it
> would draw unwanted attention to them.
> However, they could easily get the wild boar heads in Ulu Selangor
> where Muslims hunt wild boars for sales to exotic specialty
> restaurants in the city.
> To create racial unrest, dumping wild boar heads at their own
> mosques one of the most effect way. What will they do next !?
> Malaysia is now a dangerous place for Christian and Non-Muslim
> tourists. I have cancelled my trip to visits friends and relatives
> during the Chinese new year.
From: Wakalukong
Subject: Re: Pig heads found outside mosques KL.
On Jan 28, 9:36am, "kerry lee"
> There is doubt about it. There is an urgent need to create unrest so that
> Emergency Laws can be declared and the current government can continue to
> rule. Non Malays know that and all other religious bodies not Muslims know
> that. I do not think that the fracas on the mosques are created by non
> Muslims.
> Non Muslims are watching and waiting for the turmoil which will be raised by
> Muslims in everyone's fair view. Racialunrest is not going to benefit anyone
> especially malays. Another may 13 will be a different matter. Non Malays are
> not going to stay and be cowed. Politicians beware. It is either a country
> for all citizens of Malaysia or not at all for anyone.
Hishammuddin, the guy who habitually takes out his keris at UMNO's
annual general meetings to kiss, is Home Minister, who is in charge of
the Police. As Home Minister, he was also the guy who started all
this Allah dispute by banning East Malaysia's Christians from using
the word.
Instead of the heads of some unfortunate wild boars, Hishammuddin's
head should roll.
Why we must not eat Pork
From: arah
My dear The Cynic
1. why must you all hate the pig?
You don't have to hate pig, Al Quran and Bible said don't eat it.
Answer: The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is
well known. The following points explain various aspects of this
1. Pork-prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4
different places. Its prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which hath been invoked a name other than that of Allah.
[Al-Qur’an 5:3] The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to
satisfy a Muslim as to why pork is forbidden.
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures.
The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
and the swine, as he divideth the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he
cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not
eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.
Leviticus chapter 11 verse 7 and 8:
Pork is also prohibited in the book of Deuteronomy
And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch
their dead carcass. Deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 8:
A similar prohibition is repeated in the book of Isaiah chapter 65
verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced
through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less
than seventy different types of diseases. A person can have various
Helminthes, like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most
dangerous is Taenia Solium, which in a layman’s terminology is called
tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e.
eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of
the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it
enters the heart it can cause heart attack and if it enters the eye it
can cause blindness. If it enters the liver it can cause liver damage.
It can damage almost all the organs of the body.
Another dangerous helminthes is Taenia Tichurasis. A common
misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die.
In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of
twenty-four people suffering from
Taenia tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This
indicates that the ovas present in the pork do not die under normal
cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of
fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension
and heart attack. It is not surprising that over 50% of Americans
suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives
on muck, faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that
God has produced. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and
the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared
by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are
bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic
conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how hard you
try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy
their own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is
the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. It
feels no jealousy. And among people who consume pork, the practice of
wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common.
2. Regarding Qurban or Sacriffice of animal
An animal sacrifice in Arabic is called ḏabiḥa (ذَبِيْحَة) or Qurban
(قُرْبَان) . The term may have roots from the Jewish term Korban'; in
some places such as in India/Pakistan, qurbani is always used for
Islamic animal sacrifice. In the Islamic context, an animal sacrifice
referred to as ḏabiḥa (ذَبِيْحَة) meaning "sacrifice as a ritual" is
offered only in Eid ul-Adha. ..."Therefor to the Lord turn in Prayer
and Sacrifice. " (al-kawthar)-Al Quran, 108.2 Qurbani is an Islamic
prescription for the affluent to share their good fortune with the
needy in the community. On the occasion of Eid ul Adhaa, affluent
Muslims all over the world perform the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim
(Abraham) by sacrificing a goat or sheep. The meat is then divided
into three equal parts. One part is retained by the person who
performs the Qurbani. The second is given to his relatives. The third
part is distributed to the poor. The Muslims say that this has nothing
to do with blood and gore (Qur'an 22:37: "It is not their meat nor
their blood, that reaches God. It is your piety that reaches Him...").
The sacrifice is done to help the poor and in remembrance of Prophet
Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael at God's command.
The sacrificial animal may be a lamb, a sheep, a goat, a camel or a
cow. The animal must be healthy and conscious.
3. Reason for Stoning of Devil during Hajj
The ritual re-enacts Abraham's pilgrimage to Mekkah as explained by
the Muslim historian al-Azraqi:
When he [Abraham] left Mina and was brought down to (the defile
called) al-Aqaba, the Devil appeared to him at Stone-Heap of the
Defile. Gabriel said to him: “Pelt him!” so Abraham threw seven stones
at him so that he disappeared from him. Then he appeared to him at the
Middle Stone-Heap. Gabriel said to him: “Pelt him!” so he pelted him
with seven stones so that he disappeared from him. Then he appeared to
him at the Little Stone-Heap. Gabriel said to him: “Pelt him!” so he
pelted him with seven stones like the little stones for throwing with
a sling. So the Devil withdrew from him.[2]
All three jamarat represent the devil: the first and largest
represents his temptation of Abraham against sacrificing Ishmael, the
second represents the temptation of Abraham's wife Hagar to induce her
to stop him, and the third represents his temptation of Ishmael to
avoid being sacrificed. He was rebuked each time, and the throwing of
the stones symbolizes those rebukes.
The stoning of the jamarat also represents the repudiation of man's
self (literally the "internal despot", al-Nafs al-Amarah) and the act
of casting aside one's low desires and wishes. As one Islamic
theologian puts it,
If one is able to crush the al‑Nafs al‑Amarah during the stoning of
the Jamarah al‑'Uqbah [the jamrah of Aqaba], then one has taken the
next step in attaining closeness to Allah, and since between the
servant and Allah there is no more than the distance of one step, if
one has been able to take this step and make it past one's own low
desires and wishes, then that which follows is the level of closeness
to Allah.
During those two or three days after the Eid that one is in Mina, one
must stone the three Jamarat, meaning that one must trample upon his
internal despot (al-Nafs al-Amarah), the external despot of the
Shaitan from the Jinn (Iblis and those like him), and the Shaitan from
among the Humans (the enemies of religion and of humanity).
The stoning of the three Jamarat is in essence, the trampling upon the
despots and waging war against all of them. When one focuses on them
and the hatred for them, then one automatically focuses with complete
attention upon one's self – and rightfully so – while stoning the
Jamarat, one must focus entirely upon one's self.[3] M
I hope the explainations help you to understand Islam because Islam
mean " obedient to the Allah"
On 13 Jan, 21:18, The Cynic wrote:
> On Jan 13, 12:38 pm, nur wrote:
> > Everything in Christianity are confusing
> Agreed. I find everything in Islam also confusing. For instance, in
> one of your posts, you stated Allah created everything. I was
> confused because if he had everything why must you all hate the pig?
> But you have run away from this question by not answering. Poor me, I
> am so confused.
> Also another thing I am confused is that you claim Allah is so
> compassionate. OK but why does he require blood sacrifice of animals
> by the thousands in one day? After if all animals are created by him,
> then they are also his children, aren't they?
> Also I am so confused by all of you throwing stones at a devil. Do
> you think any devil will sit at the same spot for hundreds of years
> and wait for stones to hit him? Yes I am so confused. Please clear my
> confusion. Thank youarah, nur, janet and snake oil merchant.
> > Millions of American and European are leaving Christianity and in
> > Malaysia they fighting for the word " Allah" which mean Tuhan yang Esa
> > not Jesus, god the son or god the father.
> Oooh.. this is so confusing. Millions of Muslims are converting to
> Christianity, according to
> So who is a telling a lie?
> > Oh Allah, the Almighty God the Creator show us the truth and save us
> > from the hell fire.
> Ahh.... this hell fire so often referred to by Christians and Muslims,
> where is it? If you can show me, perhaps I can get a thermal engineer
> to convert the heat into electricity and save earth from global
> warming? The moron Crankie Lee ran away after I posed this question
> to him. Are you like him?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.singapore, soc.culture.malaysia, soc.culture.indonesia, soc.culture.british, soc.culture.europe
From: German
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 07:07:30 -0800 (PST)
ALLAH is not invented by goat fucker Mohammed. He read Arabic Bible
and taken out Allah from it as his discovery. It is same as you use
computer, cars,
planes, electric lights those are all invented by Christians.
Truth will save you. Holy Bible is the Truth and not Koran.
Please don't forget 600 years differance if you still believe
Mohammed, the goat fucker,
is right. He was wrong as he wanted to fuck more women and do more
Muslim carrying bombs in a plane to kill innocent people for Islam.
Have you seen any Christian doing it for religion??
There are more Muslims who are converting to Christian religion
because of our God teaches love and peace and not killings. It
matter whateven your religion is, every human has the right to live.
My dear The Cynic
1. why must you all hate the pig?
You don't have to hate pig, Al Quran and Bible said don't eat it.
Answer: The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is
well known. The following points explain various aspects of this
1. Pork-prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4
different places. Its prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which hath been invoked a name other than that of Allah.
[Al-Qur’an 5:3] The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to
satisfy a Muslim as to why pork is forbidden.
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures.
The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
and the swine, as he divideth the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he
cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not
eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.
Leviticus chapter 11 verse 7 and 8:
Pork is also prohibited in the book of Deuteronomy
And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch
their dead carcass. Deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 8:
A similar prohibition is repeated in the book of Isaiah chapter 65
verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced
through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less
than seventy different types of diseases. A person can have various
Helminthes, like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most
dangerous is Taenia Solium, which in a layman’s terminology is called
tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e.
eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of
the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it
enters the heart it can cause heart attack and if it enters the eye it
can cause blindness. If it enters the liver it can cause liver damage.
It can damage almost all the organs of the body.
Another dangerous helminthes is Taenia Tichurasis. A common
misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die.
In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of
twenty-four people suffering from
Taenia tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This
indicates that the ovas present in the pork do not die under normal
cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of
fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension
and heart attack. It is not surprising that over 50% of Americans
suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives
on muck, faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that
God has produced. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and
the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared
by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are
bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic
conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how hard you
try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy
their own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is
the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. It
feels no jealousy. And among people who consume pork, the practice of
wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common.
2. Regarding Qurban or Sacriffice of animal
An animal sacrifice in Arabic is called ḏabiḥa (ذَبِيْحَة) or Qurban
(قُرْبَان) . The term may have roots from the Jewish term Korban'; in
some places such as in India/Pakistan, qurbani is always used for
Islamic animal sacrifice. In the Islamic context, an animal sacrifice
referred to as ḏabiḥa (ذَبِيْحَة) meaning "sacrifice as a ritual" is
offered only in Eid ul-Adha. ..."Therefor to the Lord turn in Prayer
and Sacrifice. " (al-kawthar)-Al Quran, 108.2 Qurbani is an Islamic
prescription for the affluent to share their good fortune with the
needy in the community. On the occasion of Eid ul Adhaa, affluent
Muslims all over the world perform the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim
(Abraham) by sacrificing a goat or sheep. The meat is then divided
into three equal parts. One part is retained by the person who
performs the Qurbani. The second is given to his relatives. The third
part is distributed to the poor. The Muslims say that this has nothing
to do with blood and gore (Qur'an 22:37: "It is not their meat nor
their blood, that reaches God. It is your piety that reaches Him...").
The sacrifice is done to help the poor and in remembrance of Prophet
Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael at God's command.
The sacrificial animal may be a lamb, a sheep, a goat, a camel or a
cow. The animal must be healthy and conscious.
3. Reason for Stoning of Devil during Hajj
The ritual re-enacts Abraham's pilgrimage to Mekkah as explained by
the Muslim historian al-Azraqi:
When he [Abraham] left Mina and was brought down to (the defile
called) al-Aqaba, the Devil appeared to him at Stone-Heap of the
Defile. Gabriel said to him: “Pelt him!” so Abraham threw seven stones
at him so that he disappeared from him. Then he appeared to him at the
Middle Stone-Heap. Gabriel said to him: “Pelt him!” so he pelted him
with seven stones so that he disappeared from him. Then he appeared to
him at the Little Stone-Heap. Gabriel said to him: “Pelt him!” so he
pelted him with seven stones like the little stones for throwing with
a sling. So the Devil withdrew from him.[2]
All three jamarat represent the devil: the first and largest
represents his temptation of Abraham against sacrificing Ishmael, the
second represents the temptation of Abraham's wife Hagar to induce her
to stop him, and the third represents his temptation of Ishmael to
avoid being sacrificed. He was rebuked each time, and the throwing of
the stones symbolizes those rebukes.
The stoning of the jamarat also represents the repudiation of man's
self (literally the "internal despot", al-Nafs al-Amarah) and the act
of casting aside one's low desires and wishes. As one Islamic
theologian puts it,
If one is able to crush the al‑Nafs al‑Amarah during the stoning of
the Jamarah al‑'Uqbah [the jamrah of Aqaba], then one has taken the
next step in attaining closeness to Allah, and since between the
servant and Allah there is no more than the distance of one step, if
one has been able to take this step and make it past one's own low
desires and wishes, then that which follows is the level of closeness
to Allah.
During those two or three days after the Eid that one is in Mina, one
must stone the three Jamarat, meaning that one must trample upon his
internal despot (al-Nafs al-Amarah), the external despot of the
Shaitan from the Jinn (Iblis and those like him), and the Shaitan from
among the Humans (the enemies of religion and of humanity).
The stoning of the three Jamarat is in essence, the trampling upon the
despots and waging war against all of them. When one focuses on them
and the hatred for them, then one automatically focuses with complete
attention upon one's self – and rightfully so – while stoning the
Jamarat, one must focus entirely upon one's self.[3] M
I hope the explainations help you to understand Islam because Islam
mean " obedient to the Allah"
On 13 Jan, 21:18, The Cynic
> On Jan 13, 12:38 pm, nur
> > Everything in Christianity are confusing
> Agreed. I find everything in Islam also confusing. For instance, in
> one of your posts, you stated Allah created everything. I was
> confused because if he had everything why must you all hate the pig?
> But you have run away from this question by not answering. Poor me, I
> am so confused.
> Also another thing I am confused is that you claim Allah is so
> compassionate. OK but why does he require blood sacrifice of animals
> by the thousands in one day? After if all animals are created by him,
> then they are also his children, aren't they?
> Also I am so confused by all of you throwing stones at a devil. Do
> you think any devil will sit at the same spot for hundreds of years
> and wait for stones to hit him? Yes I am so confused. Please clear my
> confusion. Thank youarah, nur, janet and snake oil merchant.
> > Millions of American and European are leaving Christianity and in
> > Malaysia they fighting for the word " Allah" which mean Tuhan yang Esa
> > not Jesus, god the son or god the father.
> Oooh.. this is so confusing. Millions of Muslims are converting to
> Christianity, according to
> So who is a telling a lie?
> > Oh Allah, the Almighty God the Creator show us the truth and save us
> > from the hell fire.
> Ahh.... this hell fire so often referred to by Christians and Muslims,
> where is it? If you can show me, perhaps I can get a thermal engineer
> to convert the heat into electricity and save earth from global
> warming? The moron Crankie Lee ran away after I posed this question
> to him. Are you like him?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.singapore, soc.culture.malaysia, soc.culture.indonesia, soc.culture.british, soc.culture.europe
From: German
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 07:07:30 -0800 (PST)
ALLAH is not invented by goat fucker Mohammed. He read Arabic Bible
and taken out Allah from it as his discovery. It is same as you use
computer, cars,
planes, electric lights those are all invented by Christians.
Truth will save you. Holy Bible is the Truth and not Koran.
Please don't forget 600 years differance if you still believe
Mohammed, the goat fucker,
is right. He was wrong as he wanted to fuck more women and do more
Muslim carrying bombs in a plane to kill innocent people for Islam.
Have you seen any Christian doing it for religion??
There are more Muslims who are converting to Christian religion
because of our God teaches love and peace and not killings. It
matter whateven your religion is, every human has the right to live.
Resurgence of Islam
From: Haji Playboy
Subject: The Dead Hand of Islam
(By Colin Maine)
There has been a resurgence of Islam recently. This has
plunged the countries where this has happened into the dark
ages. They have been set back a thousand years.
was reported that Pakistan is going to bring back stoning.
Moslems caught drinking alcohol will be given 80 lashes, and
thieves will have either their foot or hand cut off.
In Iran men are sent to the firing squads on charges of
"warring against God and his emissaries". Courts have frozen
pending divorces by women.
"Three girls' secondary schools were closed after being
raided by Khomeini's supporters, and unveiled women were
being attacked in the streets...Women who were protesting
about Khomeini's speech telling women in the government to
wear clothes covering hair, neck, arms and feet, were
threatened with shouts of 'get dressed or get beaten'."
Also in Iran, Moslem demonstrators shouting "purifica-
tion by fire", set alight the red light district in Tehran.
Prostitutes were attacked, brothels, bars and nightclubs looted.
An Abadan cinema was set alight and 377 people were
burnt alive. Those who set fire to it closed the exit doors
from the outside, and systematically set it ablaze at its four
corners. NEWSWEEK, September 4, 1978 reported that there
had been 30 cinema fires in Iran in the previous month.
It was reported on February 6, 1978 that the 23-year-old
Princess Misha was executed in Jiddah either for marrying a
commoner or adultery.
In Malaysia Moslem fanatics have been invading Hindu
temples and smashing their images and gods. This could start
a religious war. There are some Moslems who are demanding
that the Islamic punishment of stoning and whipping be impos-
On the Australian Broadcasting Commission radio news
on May 9, 1979 it was reported that in Iran militant Moslems
announced that they intended to convert the world to Islam,
and that their first task was to "root out deviations."
These events are not as Moslems apologists assert,
aberrations but an inevitable outcome of the basic teachings
of Islam. All can be justified either by the KORAN or by the
HADITHS--the traditions concerning the acts and sayings of
Mohammed. Both are considered a guide as to how life should
be ordered in an Islamic society.
The KORAN was written down 20 years after Moham-
med's death, and the first HADITH 220 years after his death.
Many HADITHS were invented in the intervening years to
support a particular course of action.
According to both HADITH and KORAN, Islam must be
the world's most oppressive religion. It is undemocratic; it is
puritanical; it is barbarously punitive; it oppresses women; its
laws are cruel to animals; it is intolerant towards other
religions; it is anti-intellectual; it places restrictions upon art.
CRUCIFIXION. This is permitted by the KORAN for
"Making war against Allah and his messengers".
FLOGGING. 100 lashes is given for adultery or forni-
cation. 80 lashes is given for bearing false witness. (Here this
is only mentioned in reference to charges against chaste
Flogging is also given for drinking alcohol. No
punishment is prescribed in the KORAN for this. It merely
states that it is a sin and an abomination. In practice in many
Moslem countries, 80 lashes is the penalty for merely drinking
a glass of wine.
Yet there is no mention whatever in the KORAN about
drugs, and in countries like Iran where alcohol is strictly
forbidden, there are estimated to be 2 million drug addicts;
heroin and hashish are openly sold in the streets, and ''addicts
huddle by an open drain with rags over their heads inhaling
amid a stench of stale urine."
MUTILATION. "As to the thief, male or female, cut off
his or her hands." So not just one hand is to be cut off but
both of them.
WOMEN TO BE IMMURED. "If any of your women are
guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four reliable
witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify,
confine them to their houses until Death do claim them, or
Allah ordain for them some other way." So for some vague
sexual trifle women can be locked up for their entire life.
PENALTY FOR MURDER. The KORAN seems to regard
sexual misdemeanours as being more reprehensible than mur-
der. For killing another human being, one has only to make a
compensation to the relatives of the person killed. These are
the only references I could find in the KORAN to punishment,
so for most crimes we have to rely on the HADITH.
STONING. Though there is no mention in the KORAN
about stoning for adultery, Mohammed did use the punishment
according to a HADITH. One account says that a man who had
become a Moslem confessed to fornication. Mohammed
ordered him to be stoned at the Musalla (Mosque outside
Medina). When the stones struck him he ran away, but he was
caught and stoned until he was dead. Then Mohammed spoke
well of him and prayed over him.
Another HADITH relates that a Jew and Jewess were
brought before Mohammed for fornication. Omar relates:
"They were stoned on the level ground and I saw the man
leaning over the woman to shield her from the stones."
I find this story rather far fetched, as it relates that the
Jew was brought a BIBLE, and was told to read from it. He is
supposed to have tried to cover the words about stoning with
his hand. He would have been extremely stupid to have tried
to do this in full view of a group of Moslems, as this would
only draw attention to the words.
Women will be happy to know that it is considered
laudable to spare their modesty should they be stoned. A hole
dug, and she is buried up to her waist before she is killed by
having rocks thrown at her.
The DICTIONARY OF ISLAM says that stoning "has
become almost obsolete in modern times." So this religion is
becoming more repressive, not less. The victims will be happy
to know that they will get the full funeral rites.
Islam is very harsh on women, particularly in sexual
matters. The KORAN says: "Your wives are as filth unto you.
So approach your filth when or how ye will." The word 'filth'
comes from till--to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops
So a man can have sex with one of his wives at any time,
and in any way that he wants. The woman does not have
similar rights. As punishment, the KORAN says that if women
are disloyal their husbands should refuse to sleep with them.
Sexuality in women seems to be considered undesirable. The
KORAN ways that slaves girls should be "chaste, not lustful."
In the Moslem heaven men will be given dark-eyed virgins who
are perpetually young. There is no mention of women being
provided with virile young men, so they had better take their
knitting with them as there will be little else to do. The only
pleasures described in the KORAN are sitting on thrones,
walking through gardens eating fruits, and drinking heavily
wine (which does not even intoxicate).
As Ramon Lull said of it: What will their paradise be but
a tavern of unwearied gorging, and a brothel of perpetual
The Moslem religion is completely hypocritical on sexual
matters and it is all in favor of the men. The mere
performance of ceremony permits a man to have sex with any
of his four wives in any manner and at any time.
Also the KORAN permits men to use women captured in
war for their sexual amusement. They can also be bought.
Mohammed himself received two slave girls as a present from
the governor of Egypt. One he gave to a man called Hassan,
and the other he kept for himself, and she subsequently had a
son by him. The KORAN allows a Moslem to have as many
concubines as he wants.
The SOCIAL LAWS OF THE KORAN says: "...he is
permitted to cohabit with his female slave. In this case
nothing is said as to number; they are allowed to him without
any restriction whatever."
Yet Islam punishes women more severely than men for
sexual offenses. In a Moslem country this year a man and a
woman were flogged for adultery. The man got 25 lashes and
the woman 100 lashes.
On June 19, 1979 it was reported in THE AUSTRALIAN
that an Iranian woman was executed for having illicit sexual
relations. The man involved got a lighter sentence. The
report said that the woman was put to death by her mother,
father and a brother.
Though he placed such severe restrictions on women,
Mohammed himself had as much sex as he wanted. His wife
Ayesha who he married when she was 10, and he was 53 said of
Mohammed: "He loved three things, women, perfume and
food, and of the first two he had his heart's desire.
Mohammed had 11 wives, as well as concubines, even
though he restricted his followers to four wives. A 'special
revelation' from Allah permitted him to have as many wives as
he liked. Oddly enough his revelations always seemed to tell
him the sort of things that he wanted to know.
We have already seen that women can be punished for
lewdness with life imprisonment. Yet the following verse of
the KORAN says: "If two men among you are guilty of
lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend let
them both alone."
As two men are mentioned this must only refer to
homosexuality. One translation says "punish them lightly".
When he tires of one of his wives a Moslem can get rid of
her by a mere verbal formula. The SOCIAL LAWS OF THE
KORAN says "The ceremony of divorce among Muhammedans
is very simple, the husband merely saying 'Thou art divorced'
or 'I herewith dismiss thee'." The KORAN does not give a
woman the right to a divorce for any reason whatsoever.
Women are also oppressed in other ways, and are regard-
ed as being very much inferior beings. The KORAN says that
men are a degree above them and that they should be obedient
to their husbands, and that for disloyalty they can be beaten.
It was Mohammed who imposed the veil on women.
Millions of women through large parts of the world in the last
1200 years have never been able to go out without wearing the
I have myself spent 1-1/2 years in Aden, not far south of
the area where Mohammed spent his life. I have seen women
completely covered with veils that cover their entire faces in
humidity so high that as soon as one puts on a shirt it is
soaking with sweat.
If they had appeard unveiled they would probably have
been killed. It is worth noting that the Moslem religion mostly
exists in countries that are near the Equator, so this impost_
tion of the veil is not a trivial matter.
The Islamic law says of circumcision and clitorectomy,
"It is an obligation for men and women to do it for themselves
and their children, and if they neglect it, the Imam may force
them to it for it is right and necessary."
1979 there was an article on clitorectomy (female circum-
cision) in Egypt. Nawal Alsa'adawi, the Egyptian gynaecolo-
gist and psychiatrist, was reported to have said: "You can't
separate sexual oppression from political and religious oppres-
In an article on the practice it was claimed that nearly
all of the young girls in Egyptian villages, where most of the
people live, are circumcised. The article went on: "This
circumcision is, in effect, castration of women. For the
women the pleasure of sex is gone."
Some of the girls bleed to death. Others develop
abcesses. The article claimed that the religious establishment
found her view too threatening. Nawal defended Islam, and
claimed that it was not responsible for these circumcisions,
and that Mohammed was progressive in regard to women. I
have shown in my section on this that this was not the case.
She could hardly do otherwise in a country as religious as
Egypt. She has enough of a problem trying to prevent these
mutilations from taking place, without challenging the very
basis of the religion itself.
Women had a much higher status in Arabia before Islam.
There are accounts of women fighting in battles, riding across
the desert, visiting men alone, and taking part in public
Each of these stories ends with the words: "This was
before the Apostle received the revelation about veiling." The
freedom women enjoyed before Islam is shown by the example
of Khadija, Mohammed's first wife. She was an heiress, and
business woman, and she proposed to him.
Women took a great part in the apposition to
Mohammed. One of his foremost opponents was Hind the wife
of Abu Sofian, the leader of the Meccans.
When Mohammed finally marched on Mecca and captured
it, Abu Sofian made a speech to the people telling them that
it was useless to oppose the Moslems. Hind jumped up beside
him and shouted: "Don't take any notice of this fat old fool.
A fine protector of his people he is."
A poetess called Asma who lived in Medina wrote some
satirical verses, making fun of her fellow citizens' adoption of
Mohammed as their religious leader. These were passed from
mouth to mouth, holding him up to ridicule. Moham med
arranged for her to be assassinated. She was stabbed in her
tent, surrounded by her five children.
Islam is the only religion in the world which teaches
that converts can be won at the point of a sword. The KORAN
says that those who won't accept Islam are to be killed. "When
ye encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye
have made a great slaughter among them."
The KORAN says: "Fight those who believe not in Allah"
and that Moslems are to fight against non-believers until
"there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and every-
where." We have already seen what kind of 'justice' exists
when Islam is established as the religion of a country.
The KORAN says: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and
ye dislike, but it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is
good for you." "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam
(submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of rim." The
KORAN continues: "How many populations have we
A great deal is made of the tolerance of Islam towards
Christianity and Judaism. This is exaggerated. Islam was
more tolerant towards these two religions than it was towards
paganism, but that is not saying much.
Mohammed regarded the Christian doctrine of the trinity
as being the worship of three gods. Also that the central
teaching of Christianity--that Jesus is the son of God--is
blasphemous. The KORAN says that those who believe these
two things will go to hell. The KORAN says: "O ye who
believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends
and protectors. They are friends and protectors to each
It should be remembered that the Moslems delivered an
entirely unprovoked attack on many Christian countries. When
they took Christian Constantinople the streets ran with blood.
A great part of the Moslem empire consisted of countries that
had formerly been Christian.
Just before Mohammed died, he expressed the wish that
there "not remain any faith but that of Islam throughout the
whole land of Arabia." In accordance with his wishes the Jews
and Christians were expelled from that country.
The pagans bore the brunt of Islamic fury. Sir William
Muir says of these: ". . .but for the rest the sword is not to be
sheathed till they be exterminated, or submit to the faith
which has become superior to every other religion."
The KORAN says: "...fight and slay the pagans
wherever you find them." Another translation says: "Kill
those who ascribe partners to God." Again, the KORAN says
that pagans are unclean. Other translations use the word
'polytheist' instead of 'pagan' and one translates this verse as
'polytheists are filth'.
This is sometimes considered to be justified as most
people are ignorant of the nature of the religion of Arabia
before Islam. The image conjured up is of hideous idols, and
human sacrifices, and corrupt priesthood. This is not borne
out by the facts.
There was no religious prejudice or persecution before
Mohammed and charities existed to look after orphans; they
also collected money to buy the freedom of slaves.
The Meccans did not turn against him until he attacked
their gods, and announced that their ancestors were in hell.
Glubb says that the attitude of the pagans towards their
temples and images were similar to that of the British to
Westheimer Abbey, and other similar places in England
It is worth noting that there was no priesthood in the
paganism of Arabia of the time. Though Islam is not supposed
to have priests, the equivalent has developed in most Moslem
countries, and a religious establishment has arisen, which in
many of them has enormous power. So in this respect Islam
was a retrograde step.
Also the god concept of Islam can hardly be an improve-
ment on paganism, as even though Allah is called 'the merci-
ful, the beneficent', this is hardly borne out by his action in
torturing all non-believers in hell forever. A description of the
Moslem hell will give some idea of the nature of the sort of
god they believe in.
In the Moslem hell one's skin is constantly being renewed
after being roasted through so the victim can "taste the
penalty." They will be wearing a garment of fire. They will
eat foul fruits and be made to drink boiling water. Over their
heads will be poured boiling water. The water is not just
boiling but foetid and "in gulps will he sip it, but never will he
be near swallowing down his throat. Death will come to him
from every quarter, yet will he not die; and in front of him
will be a chastisement unrelenting." It will last forever, and it
will not be lightened and he will be in despair. They will beg
for death but it will be denied. As if that were not
enough--"there will be maces of iron to punish them,"
The intolerance of Islam towards polytheism (the worship
of more than one god) has drowned the world in blood. This
was particularly the case in India. In most parts of the world
the pagans found it easier to give in and become Moslems. But
the Hindus were prepared to fight.
When the Moslems got to India they attacked the Hindus,
killed them, and destroyed their temples and images. In
Kanauj alone 10,000 temples were destroyed, and 50,000
Hindus were killed.
The Hindus Bet on with each other quite well. There has
been very little conflict between the various sects of that
religion. As far as they are concerned a man can worship
anything he wants or nothing at all. Hinduism is very tolerant
in the matter of religion.
The religious strife between Moslems and Hindus is still
continuing. An eyewitness to the religious fighting during the
British Raj states:
"The moment the crowd decided that one of the opposite
religion had been killed, then everyone in one form of
dress would turn on the others... Thousands upon
thousands an hour being killed, and of course it was a
most terrifying sight. They'd pick up any weapon they
could, they shouted, they smashed, they always tried to
whittle out the opposition so that they were heavily
outnumbered... Or you could go across Harrar Bridge,
and you could see them being laid on their faces, with
their heads poking out over the bridge, and being behead-
ed into the river, and their bodies being thrown in after-
wards. Of course, at ter the riot the river was
practically choked with dead bodies ..."
In the years since Islam was first established vast
numbers of people must have died as a result of its teachings.
Glubb estimates that perhaps one or two people might have
been killed in a normal Bedoin raid. In the religious wars that
took place when Mohammed proclaimed Jihad (holy war) many
millions have been killed.
When India was granted independence over 1,000,000
were killed in the strife which broke out between members of
the two religions.
Even as I write these words reports are coming in from
all over the world--in India, Indonesia, Iran, the Philippines,
North Africa--of Moslems fighting each other, and the mem-
bers of other religions. One does not read of Buddhists, Jains,
Parsees fighting members of other religions. It's always the
Moslems who are involved--apart from Protestants and Catho-
lics fighting each other in Northern Ireland.
One can only conclude that there is something about this
religion that causes this to happen. This is the 'holy' book of
Islam, the KORAN, that incites its followers to attack and kill
those who belong to other faiths.
One myth that is widely believed is that Islam promoted
knowledge, but this is not the case. In later centuries a high
civilization did develop in Moslem countries, but this was
despite Islam, not because of it.
Gibb says: "The struggle to subordinate all intellectual
life to the authority of religion went on for many centuries in
successive regions of the Muslim world."
In the first and second centuries of Islam "a Moslem's
duty was to practice Islam and not medicine." The KORAN
and the mosque remained the basis of Arab education until the
Abbasids initiated a great age of learning in the 9th century.
Arab civilization was built on that of Greece, Persia, and
Rome. Islam initially set these back. It is said that the
Moslems preserved the knowledge of the Greeks, but it was
already being kept by the Byzantines, and Moslems merely
continued this process. All the evidence indicates that Islam
was a danger to Greek thought, and that it was just a lucky
accident that it survived at all under this religion.
In 744 the rationalist Caliph Yazid 111 decreed that the
doctrine of predestination should give way to that of free will.
Then in 762 the capital of Islam was moved to Baghdad, in
Persia, and civilization began again to flourish in the middle
east. This owed more to the ancient civilization of Persia,
which had already been 1,000 years old when Mohammad was
born, than it did to Islam.
"... Persian songs, as well as Persian ideas and
thoughts, won the day...and paved the way for a new era
distinguished by the cultivation of science and scholarly pur-
The Islamic world has sunk back into ignorance again,
and even in such great universities as Al-Azhar at Cairo--the
largest Moslem university in the world--the KORAN is the
basis of education. In many schools the children learn nothing
else. The KORAN remains the basis of the law, and the
foundation of the Moslem legal, judicial, and political system,
and the guide to every aspect of life.
Another myth about Islam is that it promoted equality.
In reality Islam permitted the ultimate inequality--slavery.
As Muir says of Mohammed: "He rivetted the fetter." "There
is no obligation whatever on a Moslem to release his slaves.'
Mohammed himself had slaves--17 men and 11 women.
One of the early Caliphs, Omar "insisted on a medieval
Apartheid with the Arabs as master race."
In subsequent years the Arabs had one of the worst
records as slavers, and this has continued right up till the
later years of the 20th century and may still be going on.
Some of the worst feudal regimes in history were based on
Islam as is the present regime in Saudi Arabia.
Mohammed himself set a procedure for this by ruling
Arabia as absolute dictator. Nutting says: "Mohammed con-
centrated all power, temporal and spiritual in his own hands,
and had combined in himself the offices of lawgiver, chief
judge, and commander, head of state and head of church."
He never bothered (or Allah never revealed to him) to
convey the method by which he was to be succeeded. After
his death this led to the bloody wars between the @#%$ite and
Sunni Moslems.
On returning from a raid against a tribe called the Banu
Lahyan, Mohammed stopped at the grave of his mother. The
following 'revelation' prevented him from praying for her
soul: "It is not fitting for the Prohet and those who believe,
that they should pray for forgiveness for pagans, even though
they be next of kin ... "
According to Moslem halal rites, when any animal is
slaughtered, the man who kills it must face towards Mecca,
and say a prayer when he cuts its throat. It is essential for the
animal to bleed to death, and it must be fully conscious, and
cannot be tranquilized, or stunned.
The very essence of Islam is a supine acceptance of a
grovelling acceptance of one's lot. The word tIslam' itself
means submission. That is the will of Allah. They believe that
nothing happens without His permission, so there is no point in
trying to do anything about improving this life.
The doctrine of predestination is taught in the KORAN,
9.51 and in other passages.
Islam had a bad effect on art, as Mohammed disliked
painting, music and poetry. Luckily, the liking of the Arabs
for the last two of these was too great for his influence to
have much effect. It was on painting and sculpture that Islam
had the worst influence, as all representations of either human
or animal forms were forbidden, so their art was restricted to
mindless patterns.
Mohammed said that those who decorate their tombs and
churches with paintings "were the worst part of all creation."
The example of the life of Mohammed is taken, with the
KORAN, as a guide to how life should be lived. It is therefore
very important to consider his character, and acts. When I
began writing this pamphlet, I did not think that I would like
Mohammed. But the more I read about him the less attractive
did I find him.
He was guilty of the worst crimes any man can commit--
murder. On one occasion he had the entire male population of
a Jewish tribe, the Bani Quraizah, massacred and then had the
women and children sold into slavery. Every book on Moham-
med mentions this incident, and the KORAN, 33.26 refers to
Mohammed had people killed for the most trivial rea-
sons. A man called Kinana ibn All al Huquiq, who was the
leader of a Jewish tribe whose fort was captured by the
Moslems, tried to conceal the fact that he had gold. When an
informer told Mohammed of this he had Kinana tortured by
having hot coals put on his chest till he was nearly dead, and
then he was killed.
A man called Al Nadhr, who was a teller of tales, used to
say of Mohammed to his audiences: "Are not my stories as
good as his?" For this Mohammed orderd that his head be
struck off. After the battle of Badr a man called Uqba was
taken prisoner. When he was being taken away to be executed
he said to Mohammed: "What will become of my little
children." Mohammed replied: Hellfire."
It might be thought that I am quoting from books which
are hostile to Mohammed. This is not so. Only Muir's book is
slightly hostile to him. All the others go out of their way to
portray him in a favourable light. We have enough evidence in
the KORAN of Mohammed's cruel nature, in the punishments
he ordered, his descriptions of hell, and his incitements to his
followers to kill people.
Though he ordered the horrible mutilation of the cutting
off of hands for theft, he was himself one of the biggest
thieves in history. A 'revelation' from Allah permitted Moham-
med to keep one-fifth of the spoils captured from the towns
his followers invaded, and the caravans they raided.
He was incredibly prudish. At Medina it was the
practice to fertilise the female date palm tree by hand.
Mohammed was so disgusted by this that he forbade his
followers to practice it. The result was that hardly any of the
trees bore fruit, so he had to rescind his order.
At the same time he was extremely lecherous, as can be
seen by the large number of wives he had. Karl Brookelmann,
in his book, HISTORY OF THE ISLAMIC PEOPLES, says that
Mohammed's death was brought on by "an excess of pleasure-
taking in the harem."
The only thing that can be said in his favour was that he
did on occasion refrain from killing people. I can't myself see
that to be a particularly great virtue.
It might be wondered how a man with this sort of
character could become so admired, and could attain the
position he did. What is not realised is that many people of
the time detested him.
After ten years of preaching in Mecca he only had
acquired 70 followers. When he secured a base at Medina, he
used the same methods as Hitler or the American gangster Al
Capone to establish his religion. All the accounts that tell us
of him are biased in his favour, as death or exile awaited
anyone who criticised Mohammed or the KORAN when Islam
became the state religion of Arabia.
It might be said that Mohammed was a man of his time.
but we must judge him according to the standards of today,
not those of 1200 years ago. We should try to improve on the
ethics of the past. Moslems claim that Islam is a religion for
our time, and it is by the ideals of this century that we should
measure it, not by those of the 7th century.
According to these standards Mohammed was a cruel
barbarian, merciless and fanatical. He introduced religious
hatred into large parts of the world that before were tolerant
on such matters. He curtailed the freedom of women. He
endorsed slavery. He broke up families. He ordered cruel
punishments. The world would have been a better place if he
had never been born.
From publication of the Rationalist Association of N.S.W.
58 Regent Street, Chippendale, N.S.W. 2008, Australia
Subject: The Dead Hand of Islam
(By Colin Maine)
There has been a resurgence of Islam recently. This has
plunged the countries where this has happened into the dark
ages. They have been set back a thousand years.
was reported that Pakistan is going to bring back stoning.
Moslems caught drinking alcohol will be given 80 lashes, and
thieves will have either their foot or hand cut off.
In Iran men are sent to the firing squads on charges of
"warring against God and his emissaries". Courts have frozen
pending divorces by women.
"Three girls' secondary schools were closed after being
raided by Khomeini's supporters, and unveiled women were
being attacked in the streets...Women who were protesting
about Khomeini's speech telling women in the government to
wear clothes covering hair, neck, arms and feet, were
threatened with shouts of 'get dressed or get beaten'."
Also in Iran, Moslem demonstrators shouting "purifica-
tion by fire", set alight the red light district in Tehran.
Prostitutes were attacked, brothels, bars and nightclubs looted.
An Abadan cinema was set alight and 377 people were
burnt alive. Those who set fire to it closed the exit doors
from the outside, and systematically set it ablaze at its four
corners. NEWSWEEK, September 4, 1978 reported that there
had been 30 cinema fires in Iran in the previous month.
It was reported on February 6, 1978 that the 23-year-old
Princess Misha was executed in Jiddah either for marrying a
commoner or adultery.
In Malaysia Moslem fanatics have been invading Hindu
temples and smashing their images and gods. This could start
a religious war. There are some Moslems who are demanding
that the Islamic punishment of stoning and whipping be impos-
On the Australian Broadcasting Commission radio news
on May 9, 1979 it was reported that in Iran militant Moslems
announced that they intended to convert the world to Islam,
and that their first task was to "root out deviations."
These events are not as Moslems apologists assert,
aberrations but an inevitable outcome of the basic teachings
of Islam. All can be justified either by the KORAN or by the
HADITHS--the traditions concerning the acts and sayings of
Mohammed. Both are considered a guide as to how life should
be ordered in an Islamic society.
The KORAN was written down 20 years after Moham-
med's death, and the first HADITH 220 years after his death.
Many HADITHS were invented in the intervening years to
support a particular course of action.
According to both HADITH and KORAN, Islam must be
the world's most oppressive religion. It is undemocratic; it is
puritanical; it is barbarously punitive; it oppresses women; its
laws are cruel to animals; it is intolerant towards other
religions; it is anti-intellectual; it places restrictions upon art.
CRUCIFIXION. This is permitted by the KORAN for
"Making war against Allah and his messengers".
FLOGGING. 100 lashes is given for adultery or forni-
cation. 80 lashes is given for bearing false witness. (Here this
is only mentioned in reference to charges against chaste
Flogging is also given for drinking alcohol. No
punishment is prescribed in the KORAN for this. It merely
states that it is a sin and an abomination. In practice in many
Moslem countries, 80 lashes is the penalty for merely drinking
a glass of wine.
Yet there is no mention whatever in the KORAN about
drugs, and in countries like Iran where alcohol is strictly
forbidden, there are estimated to be 2 million drug addicts;
heroin and hashish are openly sold in the streets, and ''addicts
huddle by an open drain with rags over their heads inhaling
amid a stench of stale urine."
MUTILATION. "As to the thief, male or female, cut off
his or her hands." So not just one hand is to be cut off but
both of them.
WOMEN TO BE IMMURED. "If any of your women are
guilty of lewdness, take the evidence of four reliable
witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify,
confine them to their houses until Death do claim them, or
Allah ordain for them some other way." So for some vague
sexual trifle women can be locked up for their entire life.
PENALTY FOR MURDER. The KORAN seems to regard
sexual misdemeanours as being more reprehensible than mur-
der. For killing another human being, one has only to make a
compensation to the relatives of the person killed. These are
the only references I could find in the KORAN to punishment,
so for most crimes we have to rely on the HADITH.
STONING. Though there is no mention in the KORAN
about stoning for adultery, Mohammed did use the punishment
according to a HADITH. One account says that a man who had
become a Moslem confessed to fornication. Mohammed
ordered him to be stoned at the Musalla (Mosque outside
Medina). When the stones struck him he ran away, but he was
caught and stoned until he was dead. Then Mohammed spoke
well of him and prayed over him.
Another HADITH relates that a Jew and Jewess were
brought before Mohammed for fornication. Omar relates:
"They were stoned on the level ground and I saw the man
leaning over the woman to shield her from the stones."
I find this story rather far fetched, as it relates that the
Jew was brought a BIBLE, and was told to read from it. He is
supposed to have tried to cover the words about stoning with
his hand. He would have been extremely stupid to have tried
to do this in full view of a group of Moslems, as this would
only draw attention to the words.
Women will be happy to know that it is considered
laudable to spare their modesty should they be stoned. A hole
dug, and she is buried up to her waist before she is killed by
having rocks thrown at her.
The DICTIONARY OF ISLAM says that stoning "has
become almost obsolete in modern times." So this religion is
becoming more repressive, not less. The victims will be happy
to know that they will get the full funeral rites.
Islam is very harsh on women, particularly in sexual
matters. The KORAN says: "Your wives are as filth unto you.
So approach your filth when or how ye will." The word 'filth'
comes from till--to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops
So a man can have sex with one of his wives at any time,
and in any way that he wants. The woman does not have
similar rights. As punishment, the KORAN says that if women
are disloyal their husbands should refuse to sleep with them.
Sexuality in women seems to be considered undesirable. The
KORAN ways that slaves girls should be "chaste, not lustful."
In the Moslem heaven men will be given dark-eyed virgins who
are perpetually young. There is no mention of women being
provided with virile young men, so they had better take their
knitting with them as there will be little else to do. The only
pleasures described in the KORAN are sitting on thrones,
walking through gardens eating fruits, and drinking heavily
wine (which does not even intoxicate).
As Ramon Lull said of it: What will their paradise be but
a tavern of unwearied gorging, and a brothel of perpetual
The Moslem religion is completely hypocritical on sexual
matters and it is all in favor of the men. The mere
performance of ceremony permits a man to have sex with any
of his four wives in any manner and at any time.
Also the KORAN permits men to use women captured in
war for their sexual amusement. They can also be bought.
Mohammed himself received two slave girls as a present from
the governor of Egypt. One he gave to a man called Hassan,
and the other he kept for himself, and she subsequently had a
son by him. The KORAN allows a Moslem to have as many
concubines as he wants.
The SOCIAL LAWS OF THE KORAN says: "...he is
permitted to cohabit with his female slave. In this case
nothing is said as to number; they are allowed to him without
any restriction whatever."
Yet Islam punishes women more severely than men for
sexual offenses. In a Moslem country this year a man and a
woman were flogged for adultery. The man got 25 lashes and
the woman 100 lashes.
On June 19, 1979 it was reported in THE AUSTRALIAN
that an Iranian woman was executed for having illicit sexual
relations. The man involved got a lighter sentence. The
report said that the woman was put to death by her mother,
father and a brother.
Though he placed such severe restrictions on women,
Mohammed himself had as much sex as he wanted. His wife
Ayesha who he married when she was 10, and he was 53 said of
Mohammed: "He loved three things, women, perfume and
food, and of the first two he had his heart's desire.
Mohammed had 11 wives, as well as concubines, even
though he restricted his followers to four wives. A 'special
revelation' from Allah permitted him to have as many wives as
he liked. Oddly enough his revelations always seemed to tell
him the sort of things that he wanted to know.
We have already seen that women can be punished for
lewdness with life imprisonment. Yet the following verse of
the KORAN says: "If two men among you are guilty of
lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend let
them both alone."
As two men are mentioned this must only refer to
homosexuality. One translation says "punish them lightly".
When he tires of one of his wives a Moslem can get rid of
her by a mere verbal formula. The SOCIAL LAWS OF THE
KORAN says "The ceremony of divorce among Muhammedans
is very simple, the husband merely saying 'Thou art divorced'
or 'I herewith dismiss thee'." The KORAN does not give a
woman the right to a divorce for any reason whatsoever.
Women are also oppressed in other ways, and are regard-
ed as being very much inferior beings. The KORAN says that
men are a degree above them and that they should be obedient
to their husbands, and that for disloyalty they can be beaten.
It was Mohammed who imposed the veil on women.
Millions of women through large parts of the world in the last
1200 years have never been able to go out without wearing the
I have myself spent 1-1/2 years in Aden, not far south of
the area where Mohammed spent his life. I have seen women
completely covered with veils that cover their entire faces in
humidity so high that as soon as one puts on a shirt it is
soaking with sweat.
If they had appeard unveiled they would probably have
been killed. It is worth noting that the Moslem religion mostly
exists in countries that are near the Equator, so this impost_
tion of the veil is not a trivial matter.
The Islamic law says of circumcision and clitorectomy,
"It is an obligation for men and women to do it for themselves
and their children, and if they neglect it, the Imam may force
them to it for it is right and necessary."
1979 there was an article on clitorectomy (female circum-
cision) in Egypt. Nawal Alsa'adawi, the Egyptian gynaecolo-
gist and psychiatrist, was reported to have said: "You can't
separate sexual oppression from political and religious oppres-
In an article on the practice it was claimed that nearly
all of the young girls in Egyptian villages, where most of the
people live, are circumcised. The article went on: "This
circumcision is, in effect, castration of women. For the
women the pleasure of sex is gone."
Some of the girls bleed to death. Others develop
abcesses. The article claimed that the religious establishment
found her view too threatening. Nawal defended Islam, and
claimed that it was not responsible for these circumcisions,
and that Mohammed was progressive in regard to women. I
have shown in my section on this that this was not the case.
She could hardly do otherwise in a country as religious as
Egypt. She has enough of a problem trying to prevent these
mutilations from taking place, without challenging the very
basis of the religion itself.
Women had a much higher status in Arabia before Islam.
There are accounts of women fighting in battles, riding across
the desert, visiting men alone, and taking part in public
Each of these stories ends with the words: "This was
before the Apostle received the revelation about veiling." The
freedom women enjoyed before Islam is shown by the example
of Khadija, Mohammed's first wife. She was an heiress, and
business woman, and she proposed to him.
Women took a great part in the apposition to
Mohammed. One of his foremost opponents was Hind the wife
of Abu Sofian, the leader of the Meccans.
When Mohammed finally marched on Mecca and captured
it, Abu Sofian made a speech to the people telling them that
it was useless to oppose the Moslems. Hind jumped up beside
him and shouted: "Don't take any notice of this fat old fool.
A fine protector of his people he is."
A poetess called Asma who lived in Medina wrote some
satirical verses, making fun of her fellow citizens' adoption of
Mohammed as their religious leader. These were passed from
mouth to mouth, holding him up to ridicule. Moham med
arranged for her to be assassinated. She was stabbed in her
tent, surrounded by her five children.
Islam is the only religion in the world which teaches
that converts can be won at the point of a sword. The KORAN
says that those who won't accept Islam are to be killed. "When
ye encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye
have made a great slaughter among them."
The KORAN says: "Fight those who believe not in Allah"
and that Moslems are to fight against non-believers until
"there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and every-
where." We have already seen what kind of 'justice' exists
when Islam is established as the religion of a country.
The KORAN says: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and
ye dislike, but it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is
good for you." "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam
(submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of rim." The
KORAN continues: "How many populations have we
A great deal is made of the tolerance of Islam towards
Christianity and Judaism. This is exaggerated. Islam was
more tolerant towards these two religions than it was towards
paganism, but that is not saying much.
Mohammed regarded the Christian doctrine of the trinity
as being the worship of three gods. Also that the central
teaching of Christianity--that Jesus is the son of God--is
blasphemous. The KORAN says that those who believe these
two things will go to hell. The KORAN says: "O ye who
believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends
and protectors. They are friends and protectors to each
It should be remembered that the Moslems delivered an
entirely unprovoked attack on many Christian countries. When
they took Christian Constantinople the streets ran with blood.
A great part of the Moslem empire consisted of countries that
had formerly been Christian.
Just before Mohammed died, he expressed the wish that
there "not remain any faith but that of Islam throughout the
whole land of Arabia." In accordance with his wishes the Jews
and Christians were expelled from that country.
The pagans bore the brunt of Islamic fury. Sir William
Muir says of these: ". . .but for the rest the sword is not to be
sheathed till they be exterminated, or submit to the faith
which has become superior to every other religion."
The KORAN says: "...fight and slay the pagans
wherever you find them." Another translation says: "Kill
those who ascribe partners to God." Again, the KORAN says
that pagans are unclean. Other translations use the word
'polytheist' instead of 'pagan' and one translates this verse as
'polytheists are filth'.
This is sometimes considered to be justified as most
people are ignorant of the nature of the religion of Arabia
before Islam. The image conjured up is of hideous idols, and
human sacrifices, and corrupt priesthood. This is not borne
out by the facts.
There was no religious prejudice or persecution before
Mohammed and charities existed to look after orphans; they
also collected money to buy the freedom of slaves.
The Meccans did not turn against him until he attacked
their gods, and announced that their ancestors were in hell.
Glubb says that the attitude of the pagans towards their
temples and images were similar to that of the British to
Westheimer Abbey, and other similar places in England
It is worth noting that there was no priesthood in the
paganism of Arabia of the time. Though Islam is not supposed
to have priests, the equivalent has developed in most Moslem
countries, and a religious establishment has arisen, which in
many of them has enormous power. So in this respect Islam
was a retrograde step.
Also the god concept of Islam can hardly be an improve-
ment on paganism, as even though Allah is called 'the merci-
ful, the beneficent', this is hardly borne out by his action in
torturing all non-believers in hell forever. A description of the
Moslem hell will give some idea of the nature of the sort of
god they believe in.
In the Moslem hell one's skin is constantly being renewed
after being roasted through so the victim can "taste the
penalty." They will be wearing a garment of fire. They will
eat foul fruits and be made to drink boiling water. Over their
heads will be poured boiling water. The water is not just
boiling but foetid and "in gulps will he sip it, but never will he
be near swallowing down his throat. Death will come to him
from every quarter, yet will he not die; and in front of him
will be a chastisement unrelenting." It will last forever, and it
will not be lightened and he will be in despair. They will beg
for death but it will be denied. As if that were not
enough--"there will be maces of iron to punish them,"
The intolerance of Islam towards polytheism (the worship
of more than one god) has drowned the world in blood. This
was particularly the case in India. In most parts of the world
the pagans found it easier to give in and become Moslems. But
the Hindus were prepared to fight.
When the Moslems got to India they attacked the Hindus,
killed them, and destroyed their temples and images. In
Kanauj alone 10,000 temples were destroyed, and 50,000
Hindus were killed.
The Hindus Bet on with each other quite well. There has
been very little conflict between the various sects of that
religion. As far as they are concerned a man can worship
anything he wants or nothing at all. Hinduism is very tolerant
in the matter of religion.
The religious strife between Moslems and Hindus is still
continuing. An eyewitness to the religious fighting during the
British Raj states:
"The moment the crowd decided that one of the opposite
religion had been killed, then everyone in one form of
dress would turn on the others... Thousands upon
thousands an hour being killed, and of course it was a
most terrifying sight. They'd pick up any weapon they
could, they shouted, they smashed, they always tried to
whittle out the opposition so that they were heavily
outnumbered... Or you could go across Harrar Bridge,
and you could see them being laid on their faces, with
their heads poking out over the bridge, and being behead-
ed into the river, and their bodies being thrown in after-
wards. Of course, at ter the riot the river was
practically choked with dead bodies ..."
In the years since Islam was first established vast
numbers of people must have died as a result of its teachings.
Glubb estimates that perhaps one or two people might have
been killed in a normal Bedoin raid. In the religious wars that
took place when Mohammed proclaimed Jihad (holy war) many
millions have been killed.
When India was granted independence over 1,000,000
were killed in the strife which broke out between members of
the two religions.
Even as I write these words reports are coming in from
all over the world--in India, Indonesia, Iran, the Philippines,
North Africa--of Moslems fighting each other, and the mem-
bers of other religions. One does not read of Buddhists, Jains,
Parsees fighting members of other religions. It's always the
Moslems who are involved--apart from Protestants and Catho-
lics fighting each other in Northern Ireland.
One can only conclude that there is something about this
religion that causes this to happen. This is the 'holy' book of
Islam, the KORAN, that incites its followers to attack and kill
those who belong to other faiths.
One myth that is widely believed is that Islam promoted
knowledge, but this is not the case. In later centuries a high
civilization did develop in Moslem countries, but this was
despite Islam, not because of it.
Gibb says: "The struggle to subordinate all intellectual
life to the authority of religion went on for many centuries in
successive regions of the Muslim world."
In the first and second centuries of Islam "a Moslem's
duty was to practice Islam and not medicine." The KORAN
and the mosque remained the basis of Arab education until the
Abbasids initiated a great age of learning in the 9th century.
Arab civilization was built on that of Greece, Persia, and
Rome. Islam initially set these back. It is said that the
Moslems preserved the knowledge of the Greeks, but it was
already being kept by the Byzantines, and Moslems merely
continued this process. All the evidence indicates that Islam
was a danger to Greek thought, and that it was just a lucky
accident that it survived at all under this religion.
In 744 the rationalist Caliph Yazid 111 decreed that the
doctrine of predestination should give way to that of free will.
Then in 762 the capital of Islam was moved to Baghdad, in
Persia, and civilization began again to flourish in the middle
east. This owed more to the ancient civilization of Persia,
which had already been 1,000 years old when Mohammad was
born, than it did to Islam.
"... Persian songs, as well as Persian ideas and
thoughts, won the day...and paved the way for a new era
distinguished by the cultivation of science and scholarly pur-
The Islamic world has sunk back into ignorance again,
and even in such great universities as Al-Azhar at Cairo--the
largest Moslem university in the world--the KORAN is the
basis of education. In many schools the children learn nothing
else. The KORAN remains the basis of the law, and the
foundation of the Moslem legal, judicial, and political system,
and the guide to every aspect of life.
Another myth about Islam is that it promoted equality.
In reality Islam permitted the ultimate inequality--slavery.
As Muir says of Mohammed: "He rivetted the fetter." "There
is no obligation whatever on a Moslem to release his slaves.'
Mohammed himself had slaves--17 men and 11 women.
One of the early Caliphs, Omar "insisted on a medieval
Apartheid with the Arabs as master race."
In subsequent years the Arabs had one of the worst
records as slavers, and this has continued right up till the
later years of the 20th century and may still be going on.
Some of the worst feudal regimes in history were based on
Islam as is the present regime in Saudi Arabia.
Mohammed himself set a procedure for this by ruling
Arabia as absolute dictator. Nutting says: "Mohammed con-
centrated all power, temporal and spiritual in his own hands,
and had combined in himself the offices of lawgiver, chief
judge, and commander, head of state and head of church."
He never bothered (or Allah never revealed to him) to
convey the method by which he was to be succeeded. After
his death this led to the bloody wars between the @#%$ite and
Sunni Moslems.
On returning from a raid against a tribe called the Banu
Lahyan, Mohammed stopped at the grave of his mother. The
following 'revelation' prevented him from praying for her
soul: "It is not fitting for the Prohet and those who believe,
that they should pray for forgiveness for pagans, even though
they be next of kin ... "
According to Moslem halal rites, when any animal is
slaughtered, the man who kills it must face towards Mecca,
and say a prayer when he cuts its throat. It is essential for the
animal to bleed to death, and it must be fully conscious, and
cannot be tranquilized, or stunned.
The very essence of Islam is a supine acceptance of a
grovelling acceptance of one's lot. The word tIslam' itself
means submission. That is the will of Allah. They believe that
nothing happens without His permission, so there is no point in
trying to do anything about improving this life.
The doctrine of predestination is taught in the KORAN,
9.51 and in other passages.
Islam had a bad effect on art, as Mohammed disliked
painting, music and poetry. Luckily, the liking of the Arabs
for the last two of these was too great for his influence to
have much effect. It was on painting and sculpture that Islam
had the worst influence, as all representations of either human
or animal forms were forbidden, so their art was restricted to
mindless patterns.
Mohammed said that those who decorate their tombs and
churches with paintings "were the worst part of all creation."
The example of the life of Mohammed is taken, with the
KORAN, as a guide to how life should be lived. It is therefore
very important to consider his character, and acts. When I
began writing this pamphlet, I did not think that I would like
Mohammed. But the more I read about him the less attractive
did I find him.
He was guilty of the worst crimes any man can commit--
murder. On one occasion he had the entire male population of
a Jewish tribe, the Bani Quraizah, massacred and then had the
women and children sold into slavery. Every book on Moham-
med mentions this incident, and the KORAN, 33.26 refers to
Mohammed had people killed for the most trivial rea-
sons. A man called Kinana ibn All al Huquiq, who was the
leader of a Jewish tribe whose fort was captured by the
Moslems, tried to conceal the fact that he had gold. When an
informer told Mohammed of this he had Kinana tortured by
having hot coals put on his chest till he was nearly dead, and
then he was killed.
A man called Al Nadhr, who was a teller of tales, used to
say of Mohammed to his audiences: "Are not my stories as
good as his?" For this Mohammed orderd that his head be
struck off. After the battle of Badr a man called Uqba was
taken prisoner. When he was being taken away to be executed
he said to Mohammed: "What will become of my little
children." Mohammed replied: Hellfire."
It might be thought that I am quoting from books which
are hostile to Mohammed. This is not so. Only Muir's book is
slightly hostile to him. All the others go out of their way to
portray him in a favourable light. We have enough evidence in
the KORAN of Mohammed's cruel nature, in the punishments
he ordered, his descriptions of hell, and his incitements to his
followers to kill people.
Though he ordered the horrible mutilation of the cutting
off of hands for theft, he was himself one of the biggest
thieves in history. A 'revelation' from Allah permitted Moham-
med to keep one-fifth of the spoils captured from the towns
his followers invaded, and the caravans they raided.
He was incredibly prudish. At Medina it was the
practice to fertilise the female date palm tree by hand.
Mohammed was so disgusted by this that he forbade his
followers to practice it. The result was that hardly any of the
trees bore fruit, so he had to rescind his order.
At the same time he was extremely lecherous, as can be
seen by the large number of wives he had. Karl Brookelmann,
in his book, HISTORY OF THE ISLAMIC PEOPLES, says that
Mohammed's death was brought on by "an excess of pleasure-
taking in the harem."
The only thing that can be said in his favour was that he
did on occasion refrain from killing people. I can't myself see
that to be a particularly great virtue.
It might be wondered how a man with this sort of
character could become so admired, and could attain the
position he did. What is not realised is that many people of
the time detested him.
After ten years of preaching in Mecca he only had
acquired 70 followers. When he secured a base at Medina, he
used the same methods as Hitler or the American gangster Al
Capone to establish his religion. All the accounts that tell us
of him are biased in his favour, as death or exile awaited
anyone who criticised Mohammed or the KORAN when Islam
became the state religion of Arabia.
It might be said that Mohammed was a man of his time.
but we must judge him according to the standards of today,
not those of 1200 years ago. We should try to improve on the
ethics of the past. Moslems claim that Islam is a religion for
our time, and it is by the ideals of this century that we should
measure it, not by those of the 7th century.
According to these standards Mohammed was a cruel
barbarian, merciless and fanatical. He introduced religious
hatred into large parts of the world that before were tolerant
on such matters. He curtailed the freedom of women. He
endorsed slavery. He broke up families. He ordered cruel
punishments. The world would have been a better place if he
had never been born.
From publication of the Rationalist Association of N.S.W.
58 Regent Street, Chippendale, N.S.W. 2008, Australia
Indian Restaurant Must Remove Altar of Deities
Posted by: sdalee
Dear Editor;
I was sitting in the banana leaf shop this morning having a roti and a coffee when a group of JAWI officers entered the premises. 10 officers to be exact, into this little shop. They spent a good 20 minutes going through the place (and it is a small place!) and finally one officer writes out a writ and gives it to the cashier.
They then left. Curious, I asked the cashier what that was all about and he replied that they were not allowed to have their little altars and pictures of their deities in their shop "because otherwise, Muslims cannot come into their shops". What utter nonsense!
Are we still living in the Malaysia that is so "famed" for its "religious tolerance"?? The shop is not a mamak shop. It is an Indian Banana leaf shop. Why would it be surprising that they should have signs of their religious beliefs in their own space?
I didnt think that sort of thing was illegal (please correct me if I am wrong). What is wrong with this picture? Will it come down to the point when my Muslim friends should not visit my home just because I have a cross or a Chinese altar there? PLEASE!
Better yet, I discovered as I was leaving , that the JAWI personnel had targetted the other 3 banana leaf shops along that row of old shops (near the vets office - off Jalan Maarof). There were at least 4 nos of vans for the officers, ALL double parked on the main road and causing an inconvenience to the other road users.
Is there a separate set of laws that govern these people? Notwithstanding the fact that they are trampling all over the definition of religious tolerance in this country, they also flaunt the general laws of the land. This makes me really angry and sad about the state of our country.
I now find it difficult to speak up for Malaysia when there are arguments comparing Malaysia to other countries. It is sad that we can have the once world tallest building and still think like we came out of the jungle yesterday.
Clement Raphael.
Dear Editor;
I was sitting in the banana leaf shop this morning having a roti and a coffee when a group of JAWI officers entered the premises. 10 officers to be exact, into this little shop. They spent a good 20 minutes going through the place (and it is a small place!) and finally one officer writes out a writ and gives it to the cashier.
They then left. Curious, I asked the cashier what that was all about and he replied that they were not allowed to have their little altars and pictures of their deities in their shop "because otherwise, Muslims cannot come into their shops". What utter nonsense!
Are we still living in the Malaysia that is so "famed" for its "religious tolerance"?? The shop is not a mamak shop. It is an Indian Banana leaf shop. Why would it be surprising that they should have signs of their religious beliefs in their own space?
I didnt think that sort of thing was illegal (please correct me if I am wrong). What is wrong with this picture? Will it come down to the point when my Muslim friends should not visit my home just because I have a cross or a Chinese altar there? PLEASE!
Better yet, I discovered as I was leaving , that the JAWI personnel had targetted the other 3 banana leaf shops along that row of old shops (near the vets office - off Jalan Maarof). There were at least 4 nos of vans for the officers, ALL double parked on the main road and causing an inconvenience to the other road users.
Is there a separate set of laws that govern these people? Notwithstanding the fact that they are trampling all over the definition of religious tolerance in this country, they also flaunt the general laws of the land. This makes me really angry and sad about the state of our country.
I now find it difficult to speak up for Malaysia when there are arguments comparing Malaysia to other countries. It is sad that we can have the once world tallest building and still think like we came out of the jungle yesterday.
Clement Raphael.
Posted by: desmondthomas
Dear PM,DPM,Minister,Politician, Blog editor, frens,bloggers and readers.
What i would like to share with you is about our peaceful and harmony country.As i know there were lots of problem among ourself because some said they are cheated by goverment and some say they don't get what they suppose to get and some even complaint that their own race cheated them.After all why are this people forgot that our country still in peace and harmony,Stop blaming others for your downfall,Malaysia is wounderful country and politics is one of best job but we the citizen misuse all that given to us.Everywhere we go we fight and create disharmony,is this what our parents and religion teach us to do.Why not be peace to each and everyone,why are looking at other like crooks.By looking at them like this what do we get.I would like to propose to the AG and the goverment that study back what is best solution for those who involve in attack like this.To my point of view those who create disharmony among the race and religion should strip off his citizenship and forfits all his EPF balance and let him have PR status.
Today's attack which i strongly condemn and i hope from now on no onw will attack anyone,its all waste of time,energy and money,If you could put lots of time and energy to carry the pig head and throw it into the mosque why not use the same energy and time to have discussion and solve the problem that the citizen facing.This people are can be called rubbish of the community( sampah Masyarakat).PEACE TO ALL,CREATE PEACE NOT WAR.
Dear PM,DPM,Minister,Politician, Blog editor, frens,bloggers and readers.
What i would like to share with you is about our peaceful and harmony country.As i know there were lots of problem among ourself because some said they are cheated by goverment and some say they don't get what they suppose to get and some even complaint that their own race cheated them.After all why are this people forgot that our country still in peace and harmony,Stop blaming others for your downfall,Malaysia is wounderful country and politics is one of best job but we the citizen misuse all that given to us.Everywhere we go we fight and create disharmony,is this what our parents and religion teach us to do.Why not be peace to each and everyone,why are looking at other like crooks.By looking at them like this what do we get.I would like to propose to the AG and the goverment that study back what is best solution for those who involve in attack like this.To my point of view those who create disharmony among the race and religion should strip off his citizenship and forfits all his EPF balance and let him have PR status.
Today's attack which i strongly condemn and i hope from now on no onw will attack anyone,its all waste of time,energy and money,If you could put lots of time and energy to carry the pig head and throw it into the mosque why not use the same energy and time to have discussion and solve the problem that the citizen facing.This people are can be called rubbish of the community( sampah Masyarakat).PEACE TO ALL,CREATE PEACE NOT WAR.

Posted by: sdalee
WHEN Dr. M was PM of Malaysia. One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis, Dr M was feeling extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighboring country can be doing better than Malaysia .
One of his aides said, I heard that the leaders consult Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the country. Dr M thought if that was the case, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and went to seek the top bomoh's advice in the country.
After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr M that there were TWO things that he must do:
Bomoh: Step 1. You must blame the crisis on SOROS for everything.
Dr M: But Why?
Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for 'Speculate On Ringgit Or Stocks'. You must blame him, and look at ways to control the ringgit and stock market.
Bomoh: Step 2 - You must get rid of “A”.
Dr M: What! why him?
Bomoh: Because “A” stands for 'A Nation Without Any Ringgit'.
Dr M: But how? This is most difficult to do, he is popular with the people.
Bomoh: Aiyoh, you stupidlah Che Det! Look at your name, Dr M. Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It Repeatedly
NOTE: The person who invented this is genius! But this one 'lagi' best. The latest according to the trend.
This is a new acronymn... stands for:
Must Always Hentam Abdullah Till He Is Removed!
Pigs' heads found at Malaysia mosque amid Allah row
From: "Alexx"
Subject: Since allah created pigs
What is two pig heads found in the mosque? It is a very trivial matter. Good
holy muslims should simply laugh over it.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Pig heads were found at two mosques on Wednesday near a neighbourhood hit by an ethnic clash nine years ago, Malaysian police said, following a series of recent arson and vandalism attacks on religious places of worship.
The discovery of the pig heads - an animal considered offensive to Muslims and whose consumption is prohibited - could further inflame tensions in the mainly Muslim country, prompting police to issue a stern warning against stirring up emotions.
Eleven churches, a Catholic school, a Sikh temple, three mosques and two Muslim prayer rooms so far have been hit by arson or vandalism in recent weeks amid a row over the use of the word "Allah" by Christians.
Analysts have said the attacks, although not an immediate risk, are raising worries among some foreign investors at a time when Prime Minister Najib Razak has pledged to lure more foreign investment.
Police said two pig heads were found at a mosque in a mainly Malay but racially mixed neighbourhood in Kuala Lumpur, and another two at a mosque on the outskirts of the capital.
"I am warning people not to try and influence the situation and don't try to take advantage to raise the anger of any ethnic group," Selangor state police chief Khalid Abu Bakar told Reuters.
The mosques are located near a neighbourhood which in 2001 was hit by an ethnic clash that local media said left six people dead.
Khalid said police were working closely with local mosque and neighbourhood committees to try and keep residents calm.
The row stems from a court ruling on Dec. 31 last year allowing a Catholic newspaper to use the word "Allah" in its Malay-language editions to describe the Christian God.
The use of the word is common among Malay-speaking Christians, who account for 9.1 percent of the 28 million population, mostly in the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak.
A group created in the online networking site Facebook to protest the use of the word by non-Muslims has so far attracted more than 250,000 people.
Lee Hock Guan, a political analyst at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, said the incidents could further stoke racial anger, depending on the government's response.
"They must find who is responsible for this act and bring them to justice," he said. "If the government takes a firm stance to not allow any demonstration over this issue, then it will give people some time to cool down."
The government has warned that laws, including the Internal Security Act that allows detention without trial, would be deployed to keep tensions from boiling over.
Police have so far arrested 19 people over the attacks, and a 25-year-old Malay student was charged in court on Jan. 15 with threatening public safety following a comment he allegedly made on his Facebook page offering to throw petrol bombs.
The government of Prime Minister Najib Razak is appealing against the court verdict and has condemned the arson and vandalism attacks, but analysts say he may lose votes among non-Muslims unhappy with the row.
Malaysia's mainly Chinese and Indian non-Muslim ethnic minorities, who form 40 percent of the country's population, abandoned the ruling coalition in the 2008 general elections partly due to complaints over increasing religious marginalisation.
Subject: Since allah created pigs
What is two pig heads found in the mosque? It is a very trivial matter. Good
holy muslims should simply laugh over it.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Pig heads were found at two mosques on Wednesday near a neighbourhood hit by an ethnic clash nine years ago, Malaysian police said, following a series of recent arson and vandalism attacks on religious places of worship.
The discovery of the pig heads - an animal considered offensive to Muslims and whose consumption is prohibited - could further inflame tensions in the mainly Muslim country, prompting police to issue a stern warning against stirring up emotions.
Eleven churches, a Catholic school, a Sikh temple, three mosques and two Muslim prayer rooms so far have been hit by arson or vandalism in recent weeks amid a row over the use of the word "Allah" by Christians.
Analysts have said the attacks, although not an immediate risk, are raising worries among some foreign investors at a time when Prime Minister Najib Razak has pledged to lure more foreign investment.
Police said two pig heads were found at a mosque in a mainly Malay but racially mixed neighbourhood in Kuala Lumpur, and another two at a mosque on the outskirts of the capital.
"I am warning people not to try and influence the situation and don't try to take advantage to raise the anger of any ethnic group," Selangor state police chief Khalid Abu Bakar told Reuters.
The mosques are located near a neighbourhood which in 2001 was hit by an ethnic clash that local media said left six people dead.
Khalid said police were working closely with local mosque and neighbourhood committees to try and keep residents calm.
The row stems from a court ruling on Dec. 31 last year allowing a Catholic newspaper to use the word "Allah" in its Malay-language editions to describe the Christian God.
The use of the word is common among Malay-speaking Christians, who account for 9.1 percent of the 28 million population, mostly in the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak.
A group created in the online networking site Facebook to protest the use of the word by non-Muslims has so far attracted more than 250,000 people.
Lee Hock Guan, a political analyst at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, said the incidents could further stoke racial anger, depending on the government's response.
"They must find who is responsible for this act and bring them to justice," he said. "If the government takes a firm stance to not allow any demonstration over this issue, then it will give people some time to cool down."
The government has warned that laws, including the Internal Security Act that allows detention without trial, would be deployed to keep tensions from boiling over.
Police have so far arrested 19 people over the attacks, and a 25-year-old Malay student was charged in court on Jan. 15 with threatening public safety following a comment he allegedly made on his Facebook page offering to throw petrol bombs.
The government of Prime Minister Najib Razak is appealing against the court verdict and has condemned the arson and vandalism attacks, but analysts say he may lose votes among non-Muslims unhappy with the row.
Malaysia's mainly Chinese and Indian non-Muslim ethnic minorities, who form 40 percent of the country's population, abandoned the ruling coalition in the 2008 general elections partly due to complaints over increasing religious marginalisation.
Shame on our Citizens
Posted by: victorchew46
Today we saw a blogger detained by the police for insulting the late Sultan of Johor. I really cannot understand how he is picked upon except that people demonstrated and made police reports about his blog! Many bloggers are silly when they express themselves in the heat of the moment (writer included) but do not have the intent to hurt or harm anyone or any group's sensitivities and a warning, a reprimand will do. Why keep our busy police who are desprately trying to curb rising crime rates and politcal problems, involved in things that the controlling authority of the network can do?
I am stupified by the action of our authorities when there are greater issues to solve, they pick on small ones at times. So much could be done with 20 million MR for all schools instead they choose to select 20 and give 1 million MR each. This is always the policy of this government, to give to a few and let the others wait in anxiety and envy! Why?
No wonder so many bloggers now joke so much and talk about durians and fishing and sex rather than go into serious political issues. I am swayed too but I believe in my country and I feel there is much to be done still and will continue to pick on issues that may one day land me in a place I do not desire to be in! So be it!
God bless the rakyat of Malaysia.
Today we saw a blogger detained by the police for insulting the late Sultan of Johor. I really cannot understand how he is picked upon except that people demonstrated and made police reports about his blog! Many bloggers are silly when they express themselves in the heat of the moment (writer included) but do not have the intent to hurt or harm anyone or any group's sensitivities and a warning, a reprimand will do. Why keep our busy police who are desprately trying to curb rising crime rates and politcal problems, involved in things that the controlling authority of the network can do?
I am stupified by the action of our authorities when there are greater issues to solve, they pick on small ones at times. So much could be done with 20 million MR for all schools instead they choose to select 20 and give 1 million MR each. This is always the policy of this government, to give to a few and let the others wait in anxiety and envy! Why?
No wonder so many bloggers now joke so much and talk about durians and fishing and sex rather than go into serious political issues. I am swayed too but I believe in my country and I feel there is much to be done still and will continue to pick on issues that may one day land me in a place I do not desire to be in! So be it!
God bless the rakyat of Malaysia.
Why the silent bias by PKR supporters?
Posted by: jyuen
There have been several recent reports of major discord going on in PKR and Pakatan Rakyat but why not comments here on CB?
Is it because the pure anti-BN sentiment of most of the regulars here is so strong that when something is not quite right with your favorite horse that there is nothing you can say?
To me, what's happening is just a matter of the truth that it doesn't matter what the party label is - it is still same people, same mentality, better window dressing, better sounding promises.
Till date I still see no improvement in the lives of ordinary Selangor citizens, no local financial improvements like public parking is still expensive, parking fines are still ridiculously high (RM 100 compared to the police RM 30), poll tax and assessment is still high - all the things that are controlled by the local state government which to refresh everyone's memory had changed label but the results are still the same.
My personal message - stop fighting (against BN and each other) and start doing what you promised
There have been several recent reports of major discord going on in PKR and Pakatan Rakyat but why not comments here on CB?
Is it because the pure anti-BN sentiment of most of the regulars here is so strong that when something is not quite right with your favorite horse that there is nothing you can say?
To me, what's happening is just a matter of the truth that it doesn't matter what the party label is - it is still same people, same mentality, better window dressing, better sounding promises.
Till date I still see no improvement in the lives of ordinary Selangor citizens, no local financial improvements like public parking is still expensive, parking fines are still ridiculously high (RM 100 compared to the police RM 30), poll tax and assessment is still high - all the things that are controlled by the local state government which to refresh everyone's memory had changed label but the results are still the same.
My personal message - stop fighting (against BN and each other) and start doing what you promised
Muslim has no monopoly over "Allah"

From: "truth"
Subject: Muslim has no monopoly over "Allah"
Malaysia has once again resurfaced in international headlines for the wrong
reasons. Over the last two weeks, arsonists and vandals attacked 10 places
of worship, including Christian churches and Sikh temples. Though there were
no injuries and the material damage is reparable, the same cannot be said
about the emotional and psychological scars left behind. After numerous
conflicting statements from government officials, the underlying causes of
the violence are still unaddressed. Malaysia's reputation as a nation at
peace with its ethnic and religious diversity is at stake.
Malaysia's poor handling of religious and sectarian issues is not unique.
The ill treatment of minority groups in Muslim countries is often worse than
the actions Muslims decry in the West. I have called attention to the
broader need in the Muslim world for leadership that demonstrates
consistency and credibility in our call for justice, fairness and pluralism.
These values are embedded in the Islamic tradition as the higher objectives
of Shariah expounded by the 12th-century jurist al-Shatibi.
We have seen Muslims around the world protest against discriminatory laws
passed in supposedly liberal and progressive countries in the West. Yet just
as France and Germany have their issues with the burqa and Switzerland with
its minarets, so too does Malaysia frequently fail to offer a safe and
secure environment that accommodates its minority communities.
The recent arson attacks exemplify what's wrong with the way Malaysia
regards its non-Muslim citizens. The attacks were provoked by a controversy
over the use of the word "Allah" by Malaysia's Christian community, which
numbers over two million, or about 10% of the population. In late 2007, the
Home Ministry banned the use of the word by the Herald, a Catholic
newspaper, and later confiscated 15,000 copies of Malay-language Bibles
imported from Indonesia in which the word for God is translated as "Allah."
A Dec. 31, 2009 ruling by the Kuala Lumpur High Court overruled the earlier
ban, asserting constitutional guarantees regarding the freedom of religion
in Malaysia. Since then, an already tense situation boiled over, largely due
to incitement by a few reckless politicians, the mainstream media and a
handful of nongovernmental organizations linked by membership and leadership
to the United Malays National Organization, the ruling party.
For example, Utusan Malaysia, the nation's largest Malay-language
daily-which is also owned by UMNO-has inflamed Muslim religious sentiments
by accusing non-Muslims of desecrating the name of the "Muslim" God and
alleging a Christian conspiracy to overrun this predominantly Muslim nation
through conversion. I have seen these incendiary propaganda techniques used
before, when politicians and demagogues exploit public sentiment to garner
support by fomenting fear. Such tactics are useful diversions from
embarrassing scandals ranging from controversial court decisions, to
allegations of exorbitant commissions extracted from military procurements,
to the theft of two jet engines from the inventory of the Royal Malaysian
Air Force. This behavior has been exacerbated since the ruling party lost
its two-thirds majority in parliament last year. UMNO is now desperately
struggling to regain public support.
Few Muslims around the world would endorse the claim that we have a monopoly
on the word "Allah." It is accepted that the word was already in the lexicon
of pre-Islamic Arabs. Arabic's sister Semitic languages also refer to God as
"Allah": namely, "Elaha" in Aramaic, and "Elohim" in Hebrew. Historical
manuscripts prove that Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christian and Jews have
collectively prayed to God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, as
"Allah" for over 1,400 years. The history of Islam in Southeast Asia is
known for its pluralistic and inclusive traditions, and amicable relations
between Muslims and non-Muslims have been the norm for generations.
Muslim scholars outside of Malaysia thus find our "Allah" issue absurd and
cannot fathom why it has sparked protest and outrage. Minority Muslim
populations living in the West, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11, have
diligently tried to remind the public that Muslims, Christians and Jews
share common Abrahamic roots and ultimately worship the same God.
Local sensitivities have been aroused over this issue. They should be
handled through dialogue and engagement. Instead of permeating a sense of
insecurity or a siege mentality, Muslims must be encouraged to engage and
present their concerns to the Christians in a constructive manner. The
example of Muslim Spain is a moment in our history to which Malaysian
Muslims should aspire. But efforts toward fostering a convivencia are not
only found in the past. The ongoing "Common Word" initiative, a global
effort launched in 2007 that captured the support of over 130 of the world's
most prominent Muslim scholars, has made historic progress towards building
goodwill among Muslims and Christians to find ways to live in sincere peace
and harmony. It is ironic that noble efforts such as these are being undone
by the actions of Muslims themselves.
Malaysia's international reputation has taken a beating since Prime Minister
Najib Razak was sworn in last year. Despite his efforts to promote national
unity, news about the caning of a young Muslim woman charged with drinking,
the mutilation of a cow head in protest of the construction of a Hindu
temple, ill treatment of Muslim converts who revert to their earlier faith
and even the outlawing of the practice of yoga by Muslims have many at home
and abroad wondering which direction Malaysia is headed under Mr. Najib's
leadership. There are already misgivings about governance, human rights, the
rule of law and rampant corruption; Malaysia dropped 10 spots on
Transparency International's 2009 Corruption Perception Index, our worst
showing in over 15 years. The vision of Malaysia as a peaceful and stable
location for investment, tourism and migration is now in peril.
This matters most for Malaysians who have to contend with an increasingly
polarized social and political landscape. Malaysia cannot afford to be held
hostage by the vested interests of a few who manipulate faith and identity
as a means to elicit fear for political and economic gain. This is old
politics, and it has become clear that those who incite hatred are only
doing so to prolong their monopoly on power. The majority of Malaysians
reject this approach. They realize that overcoming the challenges we face-a
stagnant economy, declining educational standards and rising crime-depends
on our ability as a nation to internalize and make real the principles of
fairness and justice to all.
Mr. Anwar, a former deputy prime minister of Malaysia, is a member of
parliament for the Justice Party and leader of the opposition.
I HATE the Establishment - So AM I UNPATRIOTIC ????
Posted by: asneoh
I HATE the establishment for what they are made of.
Made up of silly and corrupted politicians and so called "leaders" who made silly decisions and flip flop decisions but would not admit their mistakes , instead point fingers and pushing all the blames to everyone else except themselves.
I hate the authoritative bodies that uses selective prosecutions to go after only certain body or anti establishment but are very blind and deaf to the very obvious ones in the establishments.
I hate the on going case where they can make remarks that the poor victim fall to his death committing suicide while we can smell that every effort is being cooked up to conceal or rather not to reveal the truth. I hate the silly arguments given for the prohibition of using certain name calling or words from being used. Now there are more controversies than solution or any way to resolve this complication.
I hate the excuse given as not enough manpower to help protect the citizens while they can have truck loads and show of force in one particular state during the scuffle and many more others. I hate the biased head of state who should not take side of any political affiliation but when he did , we cannot comment or else we will be charged under seditions act or being called "biadab" while a group of the establishment can display the word "Natang" to one other head of state and nothing happens. I hate the establishment for being so corrupt that there are so many obvious violations and abuses of power entrusted on them but yet none got hauled up nor charged under the court of law and many many more. These all I hate and many many more , the list goes on , so AM I UNPATRIOTIC ???? Mind you , I stand up still and SING when Negarku is played at any function , fortunately there is no forbidden word in it as far as I am concerned being a Chinese. I pay my income tax without fail and not a single sen short. So you tell me , am I UNPATRIOTIC ????? - AnSoN
I HATE the establishment for what they are made of.
Made up of silly and corrupted politicians and so called "leaders" who made silly decisions and flip flop decisions but would not admit their mistakes , instead point fingers and pushing all the blames to everyone else except themselves.
I hate the authoritative bodies that uses selective prosecutions to go after only certain body or anti establishment but are very blind and deaf to the very obvious ones in the establishments.
I hate the on going case where they can make remarks that the poor victim fall to his death committing suicide while we can smell that every effort is being cooked up to conceal or rather not to reveal the truth. I hate the silly arguments given for the prohibition of using certain name calling or words from being used. Now there are more controversies than solution or any way to resolve this complication.
I hate the excuse given as not enough manpower to help protect the citizens while they can have truck loads and show of force in one particular state during the scuffle and many more others. I hate the biased head of state who should not take side of any political affiliation but when he did , we cannot comment or else we will be charged under seditions act or being called "biadab" while a group of the establishment can display the word "Natang" to one other head of state and nothing happens. I hate the establishment for being so corrupt that there are so many obvious violations and abuses of power entrusted on them but yet none got hauled up nor charged under the court of law and many many more. These all I hate and many many more , the list goes on , so AM I UNPATRIOTIC ???? Mind you , I stand up still and SING when Negarku is played at any function , fortunately there is no forbidden word in it as far as I am concerned being a Chinese. I pay my income tax without fail and not a single sen short. So you tell me , am I UNPATRIOTIC ????? - AnSoN
Who has the right to call their god Allah ?
From: The Cynic
Subject: arah: All pork eaters are promiscuous
From: arah
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 08:14:23 -0800 (PST)
Local: Wed, Jan 27 2010 12:14 am
Subject: Re: Allah...who has the right to call their god Allah ?
In this thread "arah" a Muslim preacher wrote:
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is
the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate.
feels no jealousy. And among people who consume pork, the practice of
wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common.
According to arah, a pig invites its friend to have sex with its mate.
How is the invitation extended? He should elaborate on this as it
would help veterinarians and zoologists in their study of pigs. Cite
your authority to justify your assertion?
What is your definition of promiscuity, arah?
Is not keeping a harem or even 4 wives tantamount to promiscuity? To
me that is also promiscuity and, in your own coins, a shameless act!!
Arah's next interesting comment is: "And among people who consume
pork, the practice of
wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common."
The world's biggest consumers of pork are Chinese followed by
Europeans and Americans. Is arah accusing them of indulging in wife
When a man asks his adopted son to divorce his wife and then he takes
the divorce woman as his wife, is this wife-swapping or not? tch tch
Subject: arah: All pork eaters are promiscuous
From: arah
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 08:14:23 -0800 (PST)
Local: Wed, Jan 27 2010 12:14 am
Subject: Re: Allah...who has the right to call their god Allah ?
In this thread "arah" a Muslim preacher wrote:
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is
the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate.
feels no jealousy. And among people who consume pork, the practice of
wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common.
According to arah, a pig invites its friend to have sex with its mate.
How is the invitation extended? He should elaborate on this as it
would help veterinarians and zoologists in their study of pigs. Cite
your authority to justify your assertion?
What is your definition of promiscuity, arah?
Is not keeping a harem or even 4 wives tantamount to promiscuity? To
me that is also promiscuity and, in your own coins, a shameless act!!
Arah's next interesting comment is: "And among people who consume
pork, the practice of
wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common."
The world's biggest consumers of pork are Chinese followed by
Europeans and Americans. Is arah accusing them of indulging in wife
When a man asks his adopted son to divorce his wife and then he takes
the divorce woman as his wife, is this wife-swapping or not? tch tch
Malays come on: Where are the calls for donation for Haiti
From: Politikus
Subject: Re: Malays come on: Where are the calls for donation for Haiti
On Jan 24, 4:43 pm, manjid wrote:
> A year ago malays here in SCM wrote a lot about world's "most"
> terrible suffering :GAZA.
> It seems that Haiti, where already 120.000 deaths have been uncovered
> do not get the same attention as the peope in GAZA.
> I wonder why...or do we already know why?
Selective blindness...? ;-p
Subject: Re: Malays come on: Where are the calls for donation for Haiti
On Jan 24, 4:43 pm, manjid
> A year ago malays here in SCM wrote a lot about world's "most"
> terrible suffering :GAZA.
> It seems that Haiti, where already 120.000 deaths have been uncovered
> do not get the same attention as the peope in GAZA.
> I wonder why...or do we already know why?
Selective blindness...? ;-p
Posted by: bukitcharles
The PM dream of one malaysia,will only be a dream,if PERKASA,has its way,It uses every dirty trick,to creat choas in the minds of people,and yet the gorvement just keeps it mouth shut,
what the use of being a supreme race,if there is no nation to live in,in a bordeless world,which we live today,all are equal,and also in THE EYES OF GOD we are equal,people like IBRAHIM ALI,are really scumbags,and the PM must take stern action,against anyone who plays the race card,or kiss goodbye to the 1 malaysia dream
The ISA must be used without fear ,in dealing with scumbags like IBRAHIM ALI, He is not only a disgrace to the nation,but to the MALAYS to for playing the race card,as the majority of MALAYS are not ideots like IBRAHIM ALI and his cronnies,who will drag the MALAYS and NATION ,down the drain if left unchecked,
And MR HOME MINISTER please wake up,and live up to your great father's name,and put a stop to this scumbag,and his stoneage idealogies, before its to late
The PM dream of one malaysia,will only be a dream,if PERKASA,has its way,It uses every dirty trick,to creat choas in the minds of people,and yet the gorvement just keeps it mouth shut,
what the use of being a supreme race,if there is no nation to live in,in a bordeless world,which we live today,all are equal,and also in THE EYES OF GOD we are equal,people like IBRAHIM ALI,are really scumbags,and the PM must take stern action,against anyone who plays the race card,or kiss goodbye to the 1 malaysia dream
The ISA must be used without fear ,in dealing with scumbags like IBRAHIM ALI, He is not only a disgrace to the nation,but to the MALAYS to for playing the race card,as the majority of MALAYS are not ideots like IBRAHIM ALI and his cronnies,who will drag the MALAYS and NATION ,down the drain if left unchecked,
And MR HOME MINISTER please wake up,and live up to your great father's name,and put a stop to this scumbag,and his stoneage idealogies, before its to late
Islam is - a banned phrase by Google?


Newsgroups: soc.culture.china, hk.politics, soc.culture.singapore, talk.politics.china, soc.culture.malaysia
From: ltlee1
Subject: Re: Google has a bug. A censorship bug?
On Jan 19, 6:07 pm, RichAsianKid
> ltlee1 wrote:
> > On Jan 17, 7:48 pm, RichAsianKid
> >> ltlee1 wrote:
> >>> On Jan 17, 3:38 am, RichAsianKid
> >>>> ltlee1 wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ---------------------------
> >>>>> Google suggests Islam is nothing
> >>>>> Alert Print The metaphysics of search
> >>>>> By Cade Metz in San Francisco Get more from this author
> >>>>> Posted in Music and Media, 11th January 2010 21:09 GMT
> >>>>> Free whitepaper PowerEdge M-Series blades I/O guide
> >>>>> Google's search Suggest function treats Islam a bit differently from
> >>>>> the other major religions of the world. It's willing to suggest
> >>>>> "Christianity is bullshit" or "Judaism is false," but if you begin to
> >>>>> ask what Islam is, it won't suggest a thing.
> >>>>> Google says that this search oddity is a bug - and that its search
> >>>>> gurus are working to fix it. But several days have passed since it was
> >>>>> publicly uncovered.
> >>>>> As originally noticed by The Next Web blog, Suggest isn't shy about
> >>>>> suggesting search queries that put several major religions in a less-
> >>>>> the-favorable light. If you type, "Christianity is" into Google's
> >>>>> search box, for instance, the web giant suggests queries such as
> >>>>> "Christianity is bullshit," "Christianity is not a religion,"
> >>>>> "Christianity is a lie," and "Christianity This is only what you'd
> >>>>> expect. Suggest suggests queries based on what others have searched
> >>>>> for in the past. If you type "Judaism is," "Hinduism is," or "Buddhism
> >>>>> is," Google also provides a long list of suggestions - some with a
> >>>>> negative bent, some not. But if you type "Islam is," you get nothing:
> >>>>> Google has not responded to our request for comment on the matter. But
> >>>>> on January 5, it told Search Engine Land that its Islam Suggest block
> >>>>> is a bug, saying "We re working to fix it as quickly as we can."
> >>>>> Six days seems like an awfully long time to fix what would seem to be
> >>>>> a simple bug, but there you have it.
> >>>>> Google has long offered search suggestions from other parts of its
> >>>>> search engine. Then, in mid-December, it began offering real-time
> >>>>> suggestions from its home page search box - before you've actually
> >>>>> performed a query. These suggestions are based on what Google has
> >>>>> indexed and what others have searched for in the past, but they may be
> >>>>> personalized according to your particular search history.
> >>>>> People will search for anything and everything - and viral search
> >>>>> games can surely skew results - so Google's suggestions are frequently
> >>>>> rather bizarre. And amusing. If you type "can je," for instance, you
> >>>>> get "can jesus microwave a burrito." This points you to a page where
> >>>>> Yahoo! attempts to answer the question "Can Jesus microwave a burrito
> >>>>> so hot even he could not eat it?" - a metaphysical query first floated
> >>>>> by Homer Simpson.
> >>>>> Another paradoxical question worth asking: "If Google unblocks
> >>>>> suggestions for 'Islam is,' will they then suggest links pointing out
> >>>>> that Google blocks suggestions for 'Islam is?'"
> >>>>> One way or another, Google engineers will actively intervene - the
> >>>>> company has said they will - and when they do, you wonder how far they
> >>>>> will go. Just as you wonder how far they go in actively tweaking any
> >>>>> of Google's search or ad results. Google search is run by algorithms,
> >>>>> but algorithms are written by people. And these faceless engineers
> >>>>> have more than a little control over what so much of the world sees
> >>>>> when visiting the web.
> >>>>> A third metaphysical question worth asking: "If Google is
> >>>>> intentionally blocking certain suggestions for 'Islam is' - for
> >>>>> whatever reason - would we ever know?"
> >>>>> Update
> >>>>> Google has phoned The Reg to reiterate that the "Islam is" situation
> >>>>> is a bug and that the company is working to fix it. But the company
> >>>>> spokesman could not say when a fix might arrive.
> >>>>> ---------------------------
> >>>> History is still ultimately opinion that prevailed. And as for Islam vs
> >>>> Jews vs Christanity, that's been relatively millennial, there's no
> >>>> reason why Asians or just about anyone should dive into that conflict is
> >>>> there?
> >>>> What I would say though is I thought Judiasm featured quite prominently
> >>>> in that article you quoted above, perhaps more prominent than what I
> >>>> would expect.
> >>>> Maybe it's really true Jews don't quite belong?
> >>> One reason is this.
> >>> Neo-Nazism is still quite alive.
> >> Appreciate your sense of humor ltlee1!
> > Actually, I am surprised by the article. It seems to me it has missed
> > what should be the most obvious.
> > FILTERING/CENSORING inappropriate entries.
> But the article didn't miss your 'obvious' point entirely. In fact it
> clearly stated:
> "One way or another, Google engineers will actively intervene - the
> company has said they will - and when they do, you wonder how far they
> will go. Just as you wonder how far they go in actively tweaking an of
> Google's search or ad results. Google search is run by algorithms, but
> algorithms are written by people. And these faceless engineers have more
> than a little control over what so much of the world sees when visiting
> the web."
Thank you for bringing up this point.
The above is certainly right. I will go one step further. First of
all, it is not just the enginneers. The concept of a good search engine is to creat
a separate reality. A perfect search engine creats an reality as real as
the real one. Users who find they are searching according to their own
criteria is deluding themselves. First and foremost, all search are accodrding
to and its existence.
> The question then becomes not just why Islam was singled out, but also
> about overall context. And my first pass observation remains - as
> Judaism has way fewer adherents than either Christianity or Islam, as
> well as other religions mentioned.
My first reeponse is kind of flippant because I don't know what you
mean by "don't quite belong." If you say there is an abnomally between the
number of adherents and how the various religons were featured. You are right. By default such abnormally also means "not belong," correlationally speaking. But I can't draw more practical inference.
> >> But really, maybe if Nazism didn't exist, it would have to be created.
> >> I recommend Prof Kevin MacDonald's work (often free & easily searchable
> >> on the net) if you haven't read some of it already. Maybe you (or I)
> >> won't totally agree with everything there, but at least knowledge is
> >> preferable to ignorance, I still think....
Edward Ng wrote:
Actually, I am surprised by the article. It seems to me it has missed
what should be the most obvious.
FILTERING/CENSORING inappropriate entries.
Tanki wrote:
You are implying that islam is an inappropriate entry?
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